Aala mottu aalam mottu for seemantham

Seemantham the baby shower function is scheduled to happen anywhere from seventh to nineth month of pregnancy in life of all Indian women. There is a special herb called as alam mottu also called alammottu that is an essential herb needed as part of mukku pizhithal (mookku pilithal as they call it variously) a crucially important ritual that has greater medical significance that is to ahppen as part of baby shower. This is common among south indians. If you decipher the name of this item this literally translated to bud of banyan tree. Hence, alam mottu is nothing but banyan mottu. Also, called as aalam mookku
If you have come across ancient indian medicines, ayurveda, siddha it is common among all these medicines that they have banyan in common. If you take a closer look at ancient indian tradition, people recommend to visit temples having banyan plant popularly called banyan sthala vriksham (vriksham means tree). Hence, banyan has lots of fertility issues fixing medicinal value.
In seemantham alam mottu is used as part of ritual called mookku puzhithal. As such this bud is covered with silk cloth, dipped in milk, drops of milk will be poured in right nostril of the pregnant lady. As such this is believed to reach the umblical cord of placenta directly. There are some medicinal proof as well
Now, coming to the question of finding alam mottu in usa?
Recently I was running pillar to post, literally called all the priests in USA and could not find this. Also, I contacted floral shops, desi shops and asked if I can get a export license to export this product alone. Based on my research it looks like it would be very difficult to find this product in USA. As a last ray of hope a priest in NYC asked me to contact florida temple to see if someone has this in stock. Surprisingly, there was no one ahving this in stock.
I was totally upset. Thats where in priest mentioned that there is an alternate custom that has equal medicinal value. Instead of alam mottu, they used the holy grass called arugampul that is part and parcel of all ganesha temple. This when dipped in milk, used instead of alam mottu does same medicinal magic. That's where in I realized why we visit ganesha temple everyday morning.
Note: Not all the priests know of this custom. I had to speak to 54 priests before I happened to get to know about this custom. In case if your priest does not know this, let him know about thisand enjoy the medicinal value , let your little ones get it without any hindrance during pregnancy. LEt allam mottu be part of your seemantham and valaikkappu if not arugampul replace it. Happy pregnancy