MR.Mukesh ambani born in moola nakshatra currently runs Rahu dasha.Rahu the planet known to bestow best luxury and beautiful life but no satisfaction is known to bestow fantastic results to makara, kumbha, thulam, rishabam, mithunam and kanni lagnam. Mukesh born in thula lagnam with Rahu exalted in lagnam enjoys the best life during current period
So, what exactly is a thing to be noted now?
Rahu the ruler of oil and gas occupies swathi the promising star in mukesh's horoscope. Rahu in best house with mercury in 7th house has given him best luck and made him 4th richest billionaire in the world. Also, venus in 7th house is the captivating factor behind Nita getting back to shape as she in born in cancer lagnam and will help mukesh get best enjoyment during periods of planets like rahu, venus moon etc. The MArs dasha that preceded rahu is not favouring for both mukesh and nita and has led to spilt between mukesh and anil ambani
Mukeshs rahu dasha will end in another 10 years afterwhich jupiter comes into picture. Jupiter the star of education will help him expand Dhirubhai AMbani University at an international scale and will help him expand his educational business
Currently Mukesh is bullish on US market and this is a consequence of Rahu occupying libra. Planet known as wandering planet made him buy luxury aircraft , build worlds most expensive home antila and Mukesh is still in search of best things. He is never satisfied with his achievements
So, what exactly is a thing to be noted now?
Rahu the ruler of oil and gas occupies swathi the promising star in mukesh's horoscope. Rahu in best house with mercury in 7th house has given him best luck and made him 4th richest billionaire in the world. Also, venus in 7th house is the captivating factor behind Nita getting back to shape as she in born in cancer lagnam and will help mukesh get best enjoyment during periods of planets like rahu, venus moon etc. The MArs dasha that preceded rahu is not favouring for both mukesh and nita and has led to spilt between mukesh and anil ambani
Mukeshs rahu dasha will end in another 10 years afterwhich jupiter comes into picture. Jupiter the star of education will help him expand Dhirubhai AMbani University at an international scale and will help him expand his educational business
Currently Mukesh is bullish on US market and this is a consequence of Rahu occupying libra. Planet known as wandering planet made him buy luxury aircraft , build worlds most expensive home antila and Mukesh is still in search of best things. He is never satisfied with his achievements