Sun Yogam:
Ravi yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if Sun/Ravi joins the 10th house, lord of 10th house is in 3rd house in conjunction with saturn.
A person with Ravi yogam in his horoscope will have the following benefits :
1) He will be respected by rulers
2) He will be a scholar in science
3) He becomes famous after the 15th year
4) He likes simple food
5) He is passionate
6) He posesses lotus like eyes, well developed chest
Garuda Yoga:
Garuda yoga in kundali is driven by best benefic planet moon. Garuda Yogam occurs in an horoscope if the lord of the navamsa occupied by the moon is exalted and birth occurs during daytime when moon is waxing (sukhlapaksham - before full moon )
A person with garuda yogam in his horoscope will have the following benefits :
1) He will be respected by the pious (scholars)
2) He will be a good communicator as moon is related to clear thoughts and best communication
3) He will be feared by enemies
4) He will face danger of poison in the 34th year
Gandharva Yoga:
Gandharva yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if the lord of the 10th house (karma sthanam) is in a kama trikonam, lord of lagna and jupiter are in association, sun is strong(best if exalted), moon is in 9th house.
A person with Gandharva yogam in his horoscope will have the following benefits :
1) He will attain great skills in fine arts
2) He will be strong
3) He will be pleasure-loving
4) He will be well-dressed
5) He will become famous
He will live upto 68 years. If Moon is in a good position the yoga is more pronounced.