Save over $600 - $800 in your phone bill

Economy is tough.Jobs are not guaranteed.Rent,phone bill,utility bill etc starts piling up every month. Want to save in all possible ways?Lets start with telephone bills.Here are few suggestions on saving your telephone bills.
Note : This article is just the authors opinion. Readers discretionary decision is needed before making a decision.
Most of us will be using telephone line which comes as an additional service with our Internet Service Provider.Most of them are going to charge us between $69 to $89 depending on the service provider.
Lets say you are going for Internet only option with the service provider. So you will be charged say between $29 to $49 depending on the service provider.
Now what is the alternate for your telephone service. There are two great options :
1) Vonage - This is a great service wherein we can get our own telephone number.
Note : International calls for major countries including India,Canada,UK have been made free. You can now call all your international numbers just as local call. All you have to pay is a monthly bill which will cover your local and international calls. No need of calling cards any more.WOW.Wonderful isn't it. All for a single price.Unlimited local and international calling option available.
If we place the order we'll be mailed the instrument(vonage instrument) in a day or so.Installation is simple. We just need to plugin few cables as per the instruction manual.
The moment you place the order, you're going to receive an e-mail from Vonage Service Provider. There they'll specify the customer care number close to your place.....We can take the remote support of customer care and finish the setup within 5 to 15 minutes......
So, simple and easy isn't it?
Cost of vonage will be around $25+taxes.Wonderful isn't it.They also have one month money back guarantee option. So you're saving somewhere between $600 to $800 in your yearly phone bills.
Note : We can also purchase Vonage instrument from consumer Electronics Goods Shop like Best Buy.

2) Magic Jack - This is a new gadget from a debut entrepreneur.In Magic jack again we'll be getting a phone number.We need to pay for the instrument once.This service is provided free of charge for one year.After which monthly bill comes around $19+taxe.Still better isn't it Note : We can find magic jack instrument in Consumer Electronic Goods shop like Best Buy..
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