Breastfeeding mom can prefer olive oil over cream

As a mom you enjoy each and every minute with your little blessing. An integral part of the joy is feeding your newborn with your breastmilk which in many cases is considered equivalent to gold. Breastmilk is gold as it has living cells that support immunity, provide enzymes and improves IQ of babies. Government across the globe has realized the importance of breastfeeding babies and run supporting campaign to create awareness among mom's who want to breast feed their little ones.
Now, coming to the choice between olive oil vs ointment for your soar nipple.lets see pros and cons of each one of these
  1. Ointment is widely recommended and is extensively used by new mom's across the globe
  2. Ointment is a synthetic agent that heals issues with nipples as soon as applied
  3. Once ointment is applied moms are recommended to wait for say 20 to 30 minutes, clean properly before their next breastfeeding session
I was looking for an alternative that is purely organic and does accomplish the purpose of ointment. As a first step I spoke to lactation consultant in the hospital to see what could be the best alternative? She has mentioned that Olive oil can be made use of for the same good purpose. It is interesting to note that Olive oil is purely organic. Olive oil has no chemical agents. Olive oil needs to be cleaned 15 to 30 mins before next breast feeding session same as ointment. If you are looking for an organic alternative give olive oil a thought. Buy this as part of your newborn baby registry and carry with you to the hospital

If you choose to buy ointment most popularly used one is Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin
If you choose to buy olive oil look for Palmer's Olive Oil Formula with Vitamin E Conditioning Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray Oil 5.1-oz
Wishing you good luck with happy breast feeding