Home inspection checklist every homebuyer should carry

Home inspection is an essential crucial step in home-buying process. You are going to hire a professional home inspector who is licensed to carry out the necessary inspection procedures in your new to be home. However, it would be helpful and satisfying for you as a new home buyer to have this checklist handy. Make sure you have these items checked as part of home inspection. The items mentioned here are generic in nature. Depending on the type of home you are planning to purchase this can be customized accordingly
1) Check the door - To start with check the doors of main entrance, room doors, restroom doors, kitchen doors, bedroom doors etc.
1.1) Check if there is a gap at the top when you close the door fully
1.2) Make sure doors dont stick
1.3) Doors should open and close smoothly. They should not scrape the floor at any point
1.4) If the door is broken it is fixed with spring at the back. Check and make sure the door is naturally fit and there are no additional items holding it to keep it straight
1.5) See if they create noise when you try to open and close them
1.6) Check if the door locks are properly mounted, accessible, working from inside out. This is a repiar item that you may have to fix later if this happens to be front door
Check each and every door. Make note of issues if any
2) Windows Inspection - Next to door comes windows. Proper home ventilation is the key to healthy lifestyle. As with doors, windows should be properly fit, working fine, free of issues
2.1) Make sure windows open and close properly
2.2) See if all windows pane are properly fit
2.3) In case of glass windows make sure there are no cracks
2.4) If there is a gap in windows pane this can lead to seepage of cold air. This could cost you additional money in repair. This is often overlooked
What to do it they look proper?
In the ceiling the is closest to windows make sure there are no traces of water, dirt etc. This is an indication of cold water, snow , water seeping through windows pane
3) Check the walls - Walls should be clean, free of water traces owing to broken windows leakage, free of holes, should not have much patch work. See the wall surface is even. If you see lots of patches enquire more on why they had to do lot of patch work
4) Test the outlets - Each and every outlet needs to be tested carefully. This can be done easily by using voltage tester.
Where do I find one and how much does this cost?
You find it in amazon, home improvement stores. The price is between $11 to $30. On an average the price is around $18
5) Sturdy or wobbly stairs - If you are going for townhouse or single family home, check the stairs step by step. Check each and every rail. Make sure they are sturdy and not shaky or wobbly
6) Check the lights - This is again part of checking the outlets. Turn on and off each and every light. Make sure there are no broken switches
7) Check the furnace - Have you ever wondered what it is going to be like with your home furnace conking in chilly weather. It is essentially important to have proper inspection of home furnace done by licensed professionals at-least once a year. If you are in process of home inspection look for installation date sticker in the furnace
8) Garbage Disposal leak check - Garbage disposal is an appliance designed to work with shredding food waste. This is installed beneath sinks and is powered by electricity (or) water pressure. During inspection garbage disposal should be checked for water leak to start with. Simple turn this on and run water through it. Simple close the sink with stopper, open the water let the waste fill the sink, remove stopper and see if there are some leaks
9) Check faucet defects - Faucet should be inspected for defects including cross connections, drip, leaks, loose faucet, noisy faucet, hot and cold reversed, obstructed aerator, inoperative shower diverter , inoperative faucet, stiff faucet etc. Check the water pressure when you turn on faucet
10) Dishwasher check - This is part of kitchen appliance check. Note that this can be checked completely only if there is power supply availability. Look for counterbalance spring doors by opening dish washer and making sure the doors dont drop, check rack condition including ease of movement and corrosion etc