Interpersonal skill a PCOS patient must possess

Only a PCOS patient knows the real pain of poly cystic ovarian syndrome. As the name suggests it is a syndrome that does shadow the feminine nature, feminine characteristics in women
In addition to medicines subscribed by your endocrinologist a PCOS patient must develop certain interpersonal skills that will help them lead a peaceful life
1) Confidence - One major aspect of PCOS patient is not able to face the world with full confidence. One major reason being certain external PCOS symptoms including hirutism, skin pigmentation, obese physique, hair issues all contribute and lead to a state wherein they feel really inferior about themselves. Here is what I'd say
We are no inferior than others. As a matter of fact we are far superior than normal women , for the simple reason being we struggle hard to lead a normal life in spite of all our issues. So, develop lot of confidence
2) Taking care of themselves - With the emotional roller coaster ride a PCOS patient faces each and every day, we need a shoulder to fall back on. This does not happen in many cases. Simple fix would be learn to take care of yourself. Love yourself. Every morning as soon as you get up, go and watch your face in mirror. Utter this loudly. I love your_name (fill in the blank with your name) very very much. I'm so sweet. I'm really confident. This will give you psychological support you have always yearned for
3) Perseverance - PCOS can be overcome only through perseverance. There are no real shortcuts unless otherwise GOD blesses you real soon. When I come across an adage I think of PCOS " All things come to those who wait. You are not going to get anything without working hard. IF you get something without working hard, that doesn't last longer". This is 100% true in case of PCOS patient. Never give up. If you lose weight, always remember that you will gain weight way faster than others. So, watch your weight day in day out
4) Goal setting - Every night before you go to bed, every morning immediately after waking up write down your weight loss goal for that week/month/year depending on your choice. This can even be simple as I'll maintain my current weight. This really helps
5) Focus - the basic secret of success is laser focus, focusing on one and only real thing. Your aim should be to stay calm mentally, take care of your health. If you feel frustration by comparing yourself with others that really sucks your self-confidence. So, stay focused
6) Meditation and breathing exercises - PCOS are equally impacted mentally as they are impacted physically. Breathing exercise can be made way of life, part of their life to stay calm and cool