Export Excel Columns Into CSV (Comma Seperated Value) Files in Windows XP

I've migrated some of my feeds today. For that purpose I needed a tool to export the list of email addresses from the excel sheet into a CSV file (say a notepad in my case). I was wondering if I could do it in 30 minutes. I had whole lot of email addresses and it would take atleast 6 hours if I do the job manually.
I found an interesting way to save excel information into csv file in windows XP
1) First open the file using excel
2) Click on File. Click on Save As. This pops up a window. Say if you want to save details as abcd.csv (filename,csv), choose filetype Comma Seperated Value (CSV) in second drop-down box. Click Save
3) Click Yes in popup
4) Click on File Menu and Click Close. This will popup. Again Press Yes
5) Now Click on Exit
To my surprise I found the abcd.csv file saved as an excel file. I could open it as a normal excel file. Now it's time to export your email ID's.
1) Right click on the abcd.csv file
2) Open with Notepad. To my surprise I found comma seperated email Id's in seperate lines. It should be noted that when you export CSV file from feedburner feeds, first remove unnecessary columns. In my case I only needed email (first column). I even deleted first row which said email (column name). I performed this task after doing this
3) Now press Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C (To select all and copy all the notepad information)
4) Now I logged into my gmail account. In address box, I just did a Ctrl+V (paste).
5) Now I pressed tab and moved to subject box. To my surprise they perfectly got arranged
Eureka...I'm done with this cubersome task. It all took me 10 minutes to finish this work...Eureka I saved 5 golden hours of mine which I can make use of to blog more interesting articles.
Note : At times I wonder if some email accounts really exist. They remain in unverified state for more than 5 months. If you want to check such details by shooting an email this strategy is very easy, simple and helpful.
Another interesting information I noticed today is that, if I try sending email to more than 50 recipients (more than 50 email ID's) in my ymail, I end up in error. Today, My gmail helped me mail more than 200 people at a single point of time..Google And Its Products Rock...Great Job Gmail Team.