Google Technology Interesting Products Facts

Gmail Colourful Search Box Moreoptions:
I logged onto my gmail account today and found that search box has been improved from simple box to colourful search box with plenty of options. This colourful green background is an interesting addon to the google family of products.
GMAIL Blue The Latest Mail Technology Culture From Google:
It took 6 years to develop this intimate, intuitive, 21st century mail technology
It ia all blue. Compose button, letters, italics, font and once we writeup the font comes blue coloured and gives us feel of writing on a white sheet of paper with blue ink. The little lines, background, gmail help are all blue.
As per google it is BLUER GMAIL
Before choosing on blue colour google tried different colour combinations like orange, brown, yellow and finally got inspired by cilour of nature- ocean, sky and blue has been the ultimate choice of GMAIL BLUE Team.
GMAIL blue incorporates blue chat thinking to every project
Compose Messages New Way In Gmail:
This is first of its kind in mail software and gmail now offers a way to compose messages while keeping eye on inbox. This new gmail composer creates a simple popup that retains background inbox while creating messages
There comesan interesting feature of replying to messages in addition to composing message at same time
We can co-ordinate more than one thing my creating more than one message at a time. similar to chat it is now possible to minimize compose message window
This new composer offers all features of old compose including To, CC, BCC, use formatting button, add attachments.
Regardign kwyboard shortcuts we have same ones as google docs
We can attach files using attach icon, drag and drop files into message body. Image is inserted into message
Though this offers plethora of features some options like calendar window are to be released soon. We can choose to old compose as well
How to open chat messages in gmail:
In gmail it is possible to open old chat messages. This is simple by typing the following command in gmail search box
The above command gives us list of chat messages received offline,online
Facebook SocialNetworking Surpasses Google Search:-
comScore Inc has reported that users in USA are spending more time in facebook social networking as compared to time spent in Google Search. Understanding the potential of its user base facebook has launched its facebook advertising program. This will be a great competition to Google Adwords the advertising campaign from Google Inc.
According to reports from comScore Inc in the month of august people spent a total of 41.1 million minutes in facebook as opposed to 39.8 million minutes in Google search. It is interesting to note that addictive games like farmville, blogging social networking, a means to spread the business and many more interesting feaures had made facebook surpass google.
Google Dynamic Logo:-
Every morning we log onto Google, we see static logos. To my surprise today I found a dynamic logo. It is a brainvita game. It had dynamic moving icons. Here is a screen shot of the same. It is interesting to know that this dynamic animation has music background integrated in it. Google is trying to make its user experience more enjoyable
Google URL Shortener Google Chrome Extension:-
Google chrome has a gallery of extensions with rich set of features. In one of my previous posts I've mentioned about expandurl to get a thumbnail view of webpage. Google has come out with a URL shortener chrome extension. It can be installed at click of mouse.
Integrate Google Buzz Goodie Into Blogspot, Include Google Buzz Button In Blogspot:-
We have seen what a google buzz goodie is and where to get html code for including goodie into our website/blogspot.
In this post we'll be seeing how to integrate google buzz goodie into our blogspot
1) Log onto with your gmail account and passoword
2) You'll land in blogger dashboard
3) Click on Layout tab
4) Click on Edit Html option in Layout Page
5) Expand Widget Template box needs to be checked and template gets expanded. Search for Post title (If assume that you want goodie button beneath post title). Choose your appropriate location. For Post title search for the line : class=post-header-line-1
6) Paste the code below the line. Click on Save Template
expr:href='"" + data:post.url + "&title=" + data:post.title + "&srcTitle=" + data:blog.title+ "&srcURL=" + data:blog.homepageUrl ' rel='nofolloW' style='text-decoration:none;' target='_blank'
img alt='Buzz It' src='' style='border:0px;'
Note : Include the code within anchor tag (a tag). Also, img is a tag)
Google Buzz Button, Google Buzz Goodie:-
Google buzz is out. Its time to have a cute button (goodie as it is popularly called) to buzz the information from your blogspot/websites with your community. I was looking out for Google Buzz button and found an interesting website which provides us Google Buzz is the website which has set of Google Buzz buttons varying in sizes. Another great feature of these buttons is that they come with a counter as in Facobook share Goodie.
We have about six different colour and designs to choose from.
We have set of customizations that can help us generate the HTML code
Amazon to compete with Facebook and Google in Advertisement Space:
Ever since the e-commerce giant came into existence amazon is always known for its innovation. Being one of the biggest online e-commerce website, adopting big data, cloud technology at right time lunching AWS , amazon has always been pioneer.
The trending market space largely capitalized by google and facebook in form of google adwords,facebook ads has been still unexploited by amazon so far. Being the giant in ecommerce it becomes easy for amazon to mine information on purchase pattern on user across the globe. To leverage this opportunity amazon is turning its focus towards advertisement space and is thinking of Amazon advertisement which will be a very big competition against google adwords, facebook ads. Lets wait for this interesting launch from Amazon very soon
Google Image AJAX Magic :
Google had been pioneer in employing AJAX technology starting with Google maps. Recently google has been adding interesting image features, logo animation. An interesting animation of google word gaining color on entering search term in search box is very interesting. Google makes search a funny,cool experience.Google Rocks.
Google Wave Google Collaboration Tool:
A lot of services from google labs have been gaining popularity. The tool that will rock in next decade is going to be the communication and collaboration tool. Google lab has a tool that is not really supported by Google team. This comes along with Google Apps - Standard, Enterprise and Education Editions of Google Apps. This interesting collaboration tool named rightly named Google wave will create a wave in the future. Here is a short description on how to start using Google wave
Where do I start Accessing Google Wave?
As like other Google products google wave is a browser based web application. Start using it today by accessing it online :
where, domainname is the name of the domain you've registered for usage with google apps.
Google Instant Search Results :
Today we might have seen the interesting enhancement of google search engine displaying result as we type the keyword. This is branded by google as "Google Instant" wherein you get results instantly as you type.Google has substantially reduced search time by ten times(i.e)previously it used to take 300 milli seconds for an average result and now it is 30 milliseconds.It is about 2-5seconds per search on an average. This is a great enhancement and google has taken this stride and had been adding many interesting features ever since microsoft has come out with its popular Bing. Google Rocks...Keep Rocking Google. It is interesting to know that we can switch on and switch off this feature of google.
Open Notepad Google Docs :
Google's email wing Gmail has been adding plethora of new features on a regular basis. An interesting feature helps us to open the file in formats like notepad, wordpad to be opened as google document. Also, we'll get a confirmation email that will have teh url corresponding to the google document. This is great and interesting. Try it today.
Google Sites A Very Good Alternative For Wordpress Blogs,Google Sites Free Alternative For Wordpress :
I've spoken a lot on blogger blogspot and many other free ways and means to create and host blogspots (or) websites. I see that many websites make use of wordpress. I haven't explored a lot into it. Still I see that it is paid.
Google sites - a free CMS (Content Management System) is a free website creation tool from Google Inc. I don't see many people really discussing a lot on this topic. So, I've decided to explore many different features of Google Sites. Log onto
Google Sites needs a gmail account to log into it. If you don't have one, create it. It's free.
This is where you'll land in when you issue your gmail username and password. You can start creating your website from this point. Google Sites have a rich set of free templates to choose from. We'll be discussing step by step nitty gritty details of Google Sites
Preview Google Maps Gmail Buzz:
We often get emails from our business friends, colleagues,business partners, recruiting agency,consulting firms. Most of these official emails will have address in them. Only option to explore such addresses is by physically typing those addresses in google maps. It is now possible to preview these address location in google maps from within your gmail and google buzz. Click on Settings link at the top right corner. Click on Labs tab. Choose the option Google maps preview in mail. click Enable. Save Changes. If we get an email with an address, google map link we will get a thumbnail preview of Google Maps
Gmail Account Change Themes, Colourful Look And Feel Gmail :
I logged onto my gmail account today. I got bored by the monotonous blue and grey look and feel of it. I've always seen rich set of templates and themes in many Google products (like has plenty of tailor made templates to choose from). So, I took a minute to explore the settings of Gmail
I clicked on settings tab in top right corner of my GMAIL account.I chose the Themes tab. It had a gallery of themes to choose from.I clicked on themes and it got applied in a second with the message "Your Preferences Have been Saved". We can choose to change themes at a click of the mouse.We can also choose our own colours in addition to pre-existing themes. We can create custom-tailored themes.Have a colourful background. Enjoy Reading Your GMAIL today
Google Chrome Install Omnibox:
I installed Google chrome yesterday. It was interesting to note that Google Chrome Browser celebrated its second birthday yesterday. I found that Google chrome installation ended with 3 onmibox from 3 major search engines to choose from - Google, Yahoo, Bing. We can choose the default omnibox. It is different from default search engine that we can customize with the browser.
Google Chrome Version Update:
We've seen details on how to check the version of google chrome in our last post. Now lets see the steps needed to update the version of google chrome to most recent version. Google chrome web browser automatically checks for updates and creates a notification icon "A new version of Google chrome is available" at the bottom. We can click on update now to perform an update. If we wish to do it later, we can choose OK.
Change Gmail Account Password:
Gmail an email service from Google Inc has many interesting features and is gaining more popularity. Here is the sequence of steps needed to reset the password of a Gmail account.
If you already know the old password/existing gmail account password :
1) Log into gmail account with the existing password
2) Click on Setting at top right corner
3) Click on Accounts tab
4) Click on Google Account Settings
5) Click on Change Password
6) Issue old password, new passwords and save.
You're done now. If you want to reset the forgotten password here are the steps needed to reset a forgotten gmail password
1) Navigate to gmail panel at
2) Click on Forgotten Password blue link at the bottom
3) Enter the alternate email details that you've entered at the time of creating gmail account
4) We will get a password reset link to the alternate email address
Click on that and reset the old password to new password.
Google Voice Phone Number Skype RivalMost of us might have come across Skype the solution that makes use of internet to communicate with phone. Skype users will have to download the skype client, create a username and password. From the internet we can connect to landline phones across USA. If you are interested in doing international calls first dial the phone card number and key in the destination number. Users will have to pay as low as $3 per month for these services.Google voice is a web based platform for managing communications.
Now Google has come out with Google Voice which comes with the caption "Give Small Business A Big Voice". This is a free service from google which provides us the service of skype for free. It is open to customers in USA for free.All you need is a gmail account. You can have one phone number, one voice mail.
Google Chrome Wikipedia Companion, Wikipedia companion google chrome extension, Wikipedia Quick Reference Google Chrome, Handy Wikipedia Google Chrome:
Wikipedia is the online resource that provides basic details on virtually any topic. Wiki articles as they are popularly called is a gallery of knowledge. These free encyclopedia of articles can be accessed at
1) Google chrome has an extension that can be clicked and installed
2) We can click on W icon that forms a part of google chrome tool bar
3) Information can be entered in wikipedia search bar to get more details. This handy wikipedia with google chrome is a valuable tool and acts as a quick reference

Google Chrome Wikipedia Companion, Wikipedia companion google chrome extension, Wikipedia Quick Reference Google Chrome, Handy Wikipedia Google Chrome