Ajax Technology Enhance Customer Relationship

AJAX - Asynchronous Java Script is a great concept that gained popularity around 2005 when Google came out with Google suggest. Many of us wonder what a google suggest is? It is plain and simple - If you type a keyword in google search box, you'll get an automated drop down menu. One other interesting websites where you can try this is
So, it is an intelligent agent running at the backend that gives us suggestion based on characters we type-in.
So, why has AJAX gained so much popularity in recent years?
I'll explain it with a simple example. Lets see a profile creation form wherein we need to input details say username,password etc.
It is the usual process to submit the details upon entry. In traditional systems withour AJAX these details have to reach the point of submission for validation. It includes simple rules like username field cannot be blank, password should be of eight charaters in length etc. So, if these rules are violated the entire form is presented to the user and he'll be asked to enter all the details again. This has the business risk of losing the customers as they may be fed up to enter all the details again.
Now lets see how an ajax enhances customer relationship (as our title goes :).With AJAX we can validate the information at the point of entry. An interesting terminology in information management/data management is GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out. This is a major problem that can be totally avaoided using AJAX. Using AJAX validation rules we can stop it at the point where an user enters the details. If an user fails to enter username, he'll not be allowed to enter the password. This restriction with error message, makes proces easy as teh user doesn't have to fillup all the details once again. This improves customer satisfaction. You can gain and retain more customers with this technology. Start implementing AJAX in your information service websites today.
This is a part of Technology for Successful Business series of articles. I'll be discussing more such practical scenarios in forthcoming posts.
AJAX - Asynchronous Java Script is a great concept that gained popularity around 2005 when Google came out with Google suggest. Many of us wonder what a google suggest is? It is plain and simple - If you type a keyword in google search box, you'll get an automated drop down menu. One other interesting websites where you can try this is So, it is an intelligent agent running at the backend that gives us suggestion based on characters we type-in.So, why has AJAX gained so much popularity in recent years?I'll explain it with a simple example. Lets see a profile creation form wherein we need to input details say username,password etc.It is the usual process to submit the details upon entry. In traditional systems withour AJAX these details have to reach the point of submission for validation. It includes simple rules like username field cannot be blank, password should be of eight charaters in length etc. So, if these rules are violated the entire form is presented to the user and he'll be asked to enter all the details again. This has the business risk of losing the customers as they may be fed up to enter all the details again.Now lets see how an ajax enhances customer relationship (as our title goes :).With AJAX we can validate the information at the point of entry. An interesting terminology in information management/data management is GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out. This is a major problem that can be totally avaoided using AJAX. Using AJAX validation rules we can stop it at the point where an user enters the details. If an user fails to enter username, he'll not be allowed to enter the password. This restriction with error message, makes proces easy as teh user doesn't have to fillup all the details once again. This improves customer satisfaction. You can gain and retain more customers with this technology. Start implementing AJAX in your information service websites today.This is a part of Technology for Successful Business series of articles. I'll be discussing more such practical scenarios in forthcoming posts.