Will Jupiter Give Best Results in 11th house

11th house the house of luck and fortune is of significance when it come to acquiring wealth, property and marriage as well as overall well being to some extent. Jupiter the natural benefic when placed in 11th house is always expected to give best results.
But this is not always true. As we've been discussing the best combinations, Jupiter in 11th house along with no planets in 8th house is geneally considered a best combination. If not the fruitful results are not fully realised.
Also, the house in which jupiter is posited is something to be considered. If Jupiter is posited in 11th house for aries ascendant it is beneficial as this is lord of 9th house as well as saturn is a natural benefic as it rules 10th and 11th houses for aries ascendant
For taurus ascendant jupiter is the lord of 8th and 11t h houses, natural enemy for venus and henceforth the effects are neutral
For mithuna/gemini ascendant the 11th house is aries the house of mars a natural enemy of mercury making it less beneficial. However, this is only ascendant wherein benefits of jupiter is realized if posited in 9th house the kumbha
For cancer ascendant jupiter is the lord of 6th and 9th houses and 11th house is taurus the enemy house of jupiter. Hence, if jupiter gives best results only when posited in mirughasirisha the star of mars in 11th house
For leo lagna jupiter is the lord of 5th and 8th houses. Position of jupiter in 7th  house kumbha as well as 11th house mithana/gemini are equally beneficial
For Virgo/kanni ascendant jupiter though an enemy when placed in 11th house cancer gives best results. Particularly if jupiter is posited in pushya star ruled by saturn the person will have best fortune from his wife
For thula/libra ascendant jupiter is the lord of 3rd and 6th house. When placed in 11th house it is still neutral
For scorpio ascendant jupiter in virgo is not as beneficial as jupiter in 9th house cancer
For sagittarius jupiter in 9th house is beneficial rather than in libra the 11th house
For makara the best position of jupiter is always 12th house the sagittarius
For Kumbha ascendant jupiter in 2nd and 11th houses are always beneficial

For Meena/pisces ascendant jupiter in 11th house is neutral as saturn is the lord of 11th as well as 12th houses