Jupiter venus in same sign

Jupiter the deva guru, Venus the asura guru represent two contrary forms.So, what happens if they occupy the same sign. Will the bestow best effects if they are together? Will it be a NULL instead? Here is an interesting analysis of this case. These pointers are based on the analysis of some horoscope charts with this combination
1) This is called as hari yogam and will give good results as per some astrologers
2) This depends on the position occupied by these planets
If they occupy 9th house the person will be lucky, influential
3) It depends on the degree of positioning. Lets says for example Jupiter occupies 5 degree Cancer, Venus occupies 10 degree cancer. In this case Jupiter is exalted. Exaltation is the happiest mood of a planet. Venus is debilitated in Cancer. Considering this Jupiter works best
4) It depends on house of occupancy. In general Jupiter, Venus or any other benefic if placed in 5th and 9th house will bestow the best results
5) Scientifically speaking - Jupiter hot, warm, honest, outspoken. Venus - coolminded, flirt,smart,cunning (to some extent..its true), great communication. Jupiter is fire, Venus is water, If they are joined both are tainted. So, you perform remedies accordingly

It is noted that a person with this combination in his horoscope will enjoy good growth after his 25th year of age. He will have a great luck at this 30th year. Life will be good after 30 years.