Rajabhrashta Yoga Pitrusapa Sutakshaya Yoga Annadana Yogam Vatharoga Yoga Vatharoga Yogam Jupiter And Saturn Yogam Dwadasa Sahodara Yoga Amaranantha Dhana Yoga Daridra Yoga

Rajabhrashta Yoga Pitrusapa Sutakshaya Yoga Annadana Yogam
Rajabhrashta Yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if the lord of the aroodha lagnam and aroodha dwadasa are in conjunction.
A person with Rajabhrashta Yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
1) He will suffer from loss of his high stature, power,position, name and fame
Pitrusapa Sutakshaya Yogam though called yogam is not a luck in real-life. Pray that you dont see tis combination in your horoscope.
Pitrusapa Sutakshaya yogam occurs in a horoscope if sun occupies the 5th house, which is his place of debiliation (Capricorn/Makaram, Kumbham/Aquarius, Libra/thulam,Rishabam/Taurus) or the amsas of Makara and kumbham, or in between malefics
A person with pitrusapa sutakshaya yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
1) He will lose all his comforts on account of his father's wrath
It is popularly called as pithrusapa dosham. This is a common problem in many horoscopes these days. It is found to create problems in marital life. Dosha nivarthi/remedy can be performed at Rameswaram.
Annadana yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if the lord of the 2nd house joins the vaiseshikamsa and is in conjunction with/aspected by Jupiter and Mercury
A person with annadana yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
1) He will be hospitable in nature
2) He will feed large number of people
Vatharoga Yoga Vatharoga Yogam Jupiter And Saturn Yogam
Jupiter in lagnam and saturn in 7th house gives rise to vatharoga yogam. Saturn in the 7th house gives digbalam to saturn
A person with vatharoga yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
He will suffer from windy complaints as saturn is associated with wind. Though saturn is a cold planet often saturn is associated with lord hanuman the son of vayu the wind god. Henceforth this is a combination that causes windy complaints meaning respiratory issues
It is interesting to note that the fragrance senses of a person is ruled by planet jupiter and proper positioning of Jupiter is needed to enjoy best fragrance. Indirectly if one can't feel fragrance perfectly it means that they lack intelligence owing to inappropriate positioning of planet jupiter in one's horoscope. This combination will cause respiratory complaints, nose related complaints like asthma, infection in lungs etc
Dwadasa Sahodara Yoga Amaranantha Dhana Yoga Daridra Yoga
Dwadasa Sahodara Yoga is associated with lord of 3rd house the house of wishes, association of mars with jupiter in trines also called as moolatrikonam aka trikonam
What combination is needed for Dwadasa Sahodara Yogam?
Dwadasa Sahodara Yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if the 3rd lord is in a kendram(1,4,7,10) and exalted Mars Mars in capricorn joins Jupiter in trikonam the most auspicious house moolatrikonam - 1,5,9 from the 3rd lord position
Is it possible to have this yoga for all the ascendants?
Yes it is possible but some ascendants will enjoy special benefits like Taurus/vrishabha, virgo/kanni, Makara/capricorn ascendant
A person with Dwadasa Sahodara Yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
1) The native will be the third among the twelve  siblings inclusive of brothers and sisters
Mars is the benefactor of brothers and sisters the main signifactor of this yogam. This yogam usually occurs when jupiter is in capricorn once in 12 years. It can be also taken if the jupiter aspects exalted Mars with the remaining combination. Jupiter aspects can be 1st aspect, 5th aspect, 9th aspect that typically happens while jupiter is in taurus/vrishabha, virgo/kanni, capricorn rasis respectively
What is Amaranantha Dhana Yogam
Amaranantha Dhana Yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if a number of planets occupy the second house (2nd - dhanasthanam), wealth giving planets (Jupiter,Mercury,Venus, Full Moon) are strongly placed in teir own sign, friend sign, exaltation sign.
A person with Amaranantha Dhana Yogam will have the following effects :
1) He will have great life
2) He will enjoy wealth throughout his life
Daridra Yoga occurs when the lord of 11th and 12th house are conjunct. Such a person leads a poor, miserable life full of debts.
11th sthana - bhagya sthana/ position of fortune - gives us fortune
12th sthana - viraya sthana - determines the spending potential of a person

If these lords are conjunct it forms daridra yoga