Fifth House From Lagna, Mahalakshmi Sthanam,Moolatrikonam,Trikonam - Emotional Balances

When we analyze the horoscope of man the important position to look at will be the fifth house from ascendant aka lagna the moolatrikonam also called mahalakshmi sthanam. In general fifth house is called mahalakshmi sthanam, which is also one of the moola trikonam other two being 1st and 9th houses. Fifth House From Lagna, Mahalakshmi Stanam,Trikonam - Emotional Balances can be determined from the 5th house of a persons horoscope.If planets like moon, venus, mercury are positioned in this position the person will be too much of an emotion, kind hearted, will help a lot. If a person happens to marry with this 5th, 9th house combination life will be fantastic without much issues after marriage. In such cases even horoscope match may not be needed. Some of such best matches are ashwini married to pooram, revati married to anusham, moolam married to bharani to name a few
Based on the nature rasis are broadly classified into 5 elemental rasis
1) Agni/Fiery Rasis - Aries, Leo, Saggitarius - angry, aggresive, determined - Fifth house of aries would be leo, leo would be Saggitarius, Saggitarius will be aries. For all these rasis position of jupiter in fifth house from their rasi is generally very beneficial. Aries is ruled by mars, leo by sun, Saggitarius by jupiter. For example actor santhanam born in aries ascendant has jupiter in fifth house, popular actors have jupiter in fifth house, Saggitarius with jupiter in 5th house will be the best
2) Bhoo/Earth Rasis - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - balanced,logical,stable person. Ruler of these rasis happens to be venus ruling taurus, mercury ruling virgo, saturn ruling capricorn. All these planets are stable planets with cool minded often best at enjoying luxuries, can make money easily, are meant to spend money real easy. As a general rule positioning of venus in 5th house for all these rasis will make person enjoy all riches and luxury. They enjoy all these material comforts without or very little efforts. MErcury positioning is equally good
3) Vayu/Airy Rasis - Gemini,Libra,Aquarius - unstable, fickle,wandering person. Mercury the ruler of gemini makes a person extremely communicative, libra is ruled by venus, aquarius is rules by saturn. In this case positioning of mercury or venus in fifth house makes a person actor, enjoy best of the best
4) Jala/Watery Rasis - Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces - - imaginative, creative mind - Cancer is rules by moon, scorpio by mars, pisces by jupiter. In case of cancer jupiter in fifth house bestows best results. Best example would be ajithkumar the thala actor of tamilnadu has cancer ascendant with jupiter in fifth house, scorpio with jupiter in fifth house, pisces with jupiter in fifth house bestows best results

5) Aakasa/Ether Rasis - Present in every rasi - Nothing special