Lakshmi mittal horoscope

Lakshmi narayana mittal, popularly called LN Mittal is a popular steel tycoon, a business magnet , a family man and a perfect husband. His wife usha mittal played a major role in shaping his life, career and future. Lets take a sneek look at his horoscope to determine what made this possible afterhis marriage?
Born in a lower middel class family hailing from rajasthan, mittal had passion to succeed great. He married Usha and had to migrate to Indonesia to take care of the steel project that was about to be sold. His success brought him opportunity to setup steel plant at Mexico and this took his life to a different league.
All this had beenmade possible by none other than the beautiful Venus posited in 9th house Mesha in his own star bharani. This bestowed him with dutiful wife who showed real care, love and affection towards their family. His name Lakshmi gave him numerological leverage in achieving great riches, luxury home, world class travel, expensive cars and the best luxury one can think of

Born in leo ascendant, mittal acquired his luxuries during saturn period. If you closely observe his picture we can see him wearing blue sapphire in his middle finger. For saturn dasa planets that bestow best wealth include moon, jupiter, venus. Saturn in 1st house makes a person extremely hardworking , determined, cunning. Venus in 9th house during saturn dasa, 9th house from saturn turned out to be the factor behind his fantastic success