Keep your lap cool while using laptop using lapdesk

Most of the times I keep my laptop on my lap and work for about 1 to 2 hours with my laptop at my lap. I use the following lap Desk strategies to get rid of heat. Believe me. I keep my lap cool even if I work for 3 hours.
Spread a layer of woolen blanket, on top of it have two sheets of newspaper, at its top again cover with the woolen blanket - Its like a sheet of newspaper stud between woolen blanket folder. This alone serves good.
I you'd have bought a new electronic gadget or a new book from say amazon you might have got some cardboard sheets. So on top of woolen folder spread a sheet of cardboard and place your laptop. This is what I make use of as a replacement for costly lap desk gadgets.
Science behind this : All there are poor conductors of heat..Anyways it is a good practice not to keep laptop at lap. If you have a sheet of cardboard it is more than sufficient.