Cure For Gray Hair Haircare Tips

Its mandatory to identify the root cause of gray hair. It can be due to the following reasons :
1) Aging Factor - becoming old. In this case applying dye is a good solution
2) Dandruff - Yes. Dandruff has been found to be a major cause of hair problems. Dandruff occurs due to the drying of scalp. Apply sour butter milk on the scalp and have a head bath after 3 to 4 hours. This is a good natural cure. This natural medicine is harmless.
3) Tension, Anger, Anxiety - One of the major reasons for gray hair these days is the mental tension and anxiety and anger which are the byproducts of tension. Practice some relaxation technique like yoga, pranayama, art of living (form of pranayama/breathing exercise/kriya), practice mudras (remedy with fingers - for more details see, drink plenty of water, have a walk every day, stop watching movies, playing video games, listening songs and spend time with wife and kids (great way to have a good family life - you will find peace at home which can even cure office tensions), hiking etc
4) Apart from all these the best natural medicine is - curry leaves (popularly called as karuvepillai in Southern part of India). This is green coloured leaf which has amazing medicinal powers. In Indian Grocery stores it is easy to find curry leaves. This is the best medicine/remedy for gray hair, hair fall and many more hair related problems. Consume one packet of curry leaves atleat thrice a week
5) Drink about 3 litres of water. This is keep your body cool and reduce the heat/fire in your body. This will solve the problem
6) Eat fenu geek seeds. This is taken along with water or can be soaked in water and taken with butter milk. This reduces heat in our body and is the best medicine for hair problems