Will Rajinikanth Kaala be a success astro analysis

Kaala the much awaited movie of superstar rajinikanth is slated to be released worldwide on June 7th 2018. I've done a simple analysis of the horoscope on the day of release to determine if this movie is going to be a blockbuster success for rajinikanth
Rajinikanth born in shravana nakshatra , leo the simha lagna had echelon of success during jupiter dasa owing to jupiter being posited in kumbha rasi. Following this during baba release he was under saturn dasa influence causing him loss. During saturn dasa, venus bukthi sivaji movie was released that helped him make closer to 15 crores in salary that converts to nearly 30% of the movie business at that point in time before 11 years
Currently, rajinikanth is under influence of mercury dasa. In his chart mercury is posited in sagittarius the fifth house from ascendant . Venus is posited along with mercury in 5th house the house of name, fame, luck , wealth the mahalakshmi sthanam. Though the position is good the house in which mercury is posited is the sagittarius enemy house of mercury. Mercury aspects 11th house the gemini making it a strong planet in his horoscope. Inspite of all these for leo ascendant mercury is not a benefic. Henceforth, life will be neutral during 17 good years of mercury. The best time for leo ascendant is dasa bukthi of planets like mars, kethu, jupiter, saturn to some extent. Though moon when placed in 6th,8th, 12th houses will act neutral for this ascendant this is not a benefic. As such mercury will not do any good for rajinikanth
Now, coming to the release date this movie is slated to be released on June 7th 2018 at chennai. The star on that day happens to be Purvabhadra the star ruled by planet Jupiter. As such this can be pooratathi as well as uthrabadra depending on world location in which the movie is to be released. Let is see the different star positions of the nine planets on this particular day, rajinikanth's current dasa bukthi to see if this is favorable for him
Planetary Position on June 7th 2018 at Chennai Tamilnadu India
Ascendant/Lagna - Purvaphalguni leo ascendant
Sun - Rohini in taurus the vrishabha rasi
Moon - Pooratathi/Uthrabadra (Aquarius or pisces)
Mars- Sravana in capricorn
Mercury - Mrigasira in taurus the vrishabha rasi
Saturn - Mula nakshatra in sagittarius
Jupiter - Vishakha in thulam the libra
Venus - Punarvasu in gemini the mithuna
Rahu - Poosam/pashyami in cancer
Kethu - Sravana in capricorn the makara rasi
Let us see what is the current dasa bukthi in horoscope of rajinikanth . From January 21st 2018 onwards rajinikanth is under mercury dasa, mercury bukthi. In his horoscope mercury is posited in purvasadha the nakshatra of planet venus making it strong. Venus is placed in mula nakshatra, kethu is placed in kanni rasi the uthiram nakshatra making it weak. As such venus will not be favoring mercury during this dasa period
Let us see what are the many different planets that does support his ascendant, his dasanathan mercury and see if this planet is in strong position to support his kaala release
Leo ascendant benefic planets - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Kethu
Mercury Planet beenfics as he is under influence of mercury dasa - Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon
As such planets that does favor his ascendant and current dasa happens to be - Jupiter, Saturn
In his base horoscope saturn is posited in uthiram nakshatra making it weak. Jupiter is posited in sathabisha nakshatra making ti strong. Right now planet rahu is in strong position as well as it is posited in pushya nakshatra also the release date is star ruled by planet jupiter (or) saturn
Based on current horary position let us see if jupiter and saturn will favor mercury as this happens to be planet of luck, money, arts for him
Mercury on June 7th 2018 will be posited in Mrigasira nakshatra in taurus the vrishabha rasi. This is planet ruled by mars. Mars and mercury are enemies making its positioning weak.
In addition to this planet jupiter is placed in a star that is going to give loss to him based on base mercury position in his chart. As such this movie is not a favorable movie as the nakshatras pooratathi as well as uthiratathi are bad nakshatras based on position of mercury on that particular day. It can be either that this movie will not get releases as planned. IF this gets released it will be a very big flop increasing the loan burden upon rajinikanths shoulder
Are there some other dates that the producer and rajinikanth can think of for release with profit?
Based on our analysis if the release dates fall on August 25th 2018
Practically speaking the business is complete. So, as a pariharam the producer Dhanush and rajinikanth can visit tara devi temple as a remedy for better benefits from jupiter

Disclaimer : We have provided this analysis based on info we have online. This should not be taken as final conclusion and the reader can make their discretionary decision to determine the results