Vallaki Yoga Parijatha Yoga Pancha Graha Malika Yogam

Vallaki in general means a pleasing personality that has capacity to pull the crowd. Vallaki yogam occurs in a persons horoscope if all the planets occupy seven signs. A person with this yogam in his chart will have :
1) Plenty of friends around him
2) Will be lover of music, arts
3) Well learned
4) Will be always happy
5) Will be famous
Parijatha Yoga Parijatha Yogam
Parijatha yogam occurs in a persons horoscope if the ascendant lord occupies a sign, lord of the sign occupied by the ascendant lord (lagna lord) or Navamsa lord occupied by the lord of the rasi in which lagna lord is posited, shall join a quadrants also called kendras namely 1st 4th 7th and 10th houses, trine lords the lord of 1st 5th 9th houses or his own house , exaltation house also called as ucha sthanam
A person with parijatham yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects:
1) He will lead a happy life in middle and last part of his life
2) He will receive the homage of rulers, kings, emperors
3) He will be fond of wars
4) He will own elephants,horses and equivalent luxuries. In modern days elephants, horses can be treated equivalent to lorries, cars and such conveyances
5) He will conform to customs and traditions
6) He will be generous and famous
Parijatham as the name suggests is known for its beauty, fragrance, attractive nature making the nature of a person equivalent to that of parijatham flower
Pancha Graha Malika Yogam
Pancha Graha Malika Yogam appears when there are 5 planets or more planets in 9th and 10th house like flowers in a garland.
Pancha means five, graha means planets. Graha malika means lining of planets in form of garland. To summarize five planets in the form of garland bestowing benefits to the individual. This is a raja-yogam.
Raja Yoga occurs when the lords of 2nd and 3rd house are conjunct and stay in a kendra or a trikona or labha sthana (11th house)
Kendra - 1,4,7,10th house
Konam - 1,5,9th house

Labham - 11th house