Upper Lip Waxing Using Natural Medicine Remedy For Womens Problem, Excess hair in upper lip natural remedy

Upper lip waxing has become a common problem among women these days. This problem has become most prominent over the past decade. Excess hair in upper lip is caused due hormonal imbalance. Increased usage of chemicals and fertilizers contribute a lot to this problem. Follow these processes as a natural remedy
1) Prepare a fine paste of turmeric by mixing turmeric with water. Apply the paste in upper lip area where hair growth is prominent. Apply everyday for 3 continuous months. You'll definitely see good remedy
2) Wash your face with cold water. Apply a cream of moong dhal powder mixed with milk. This softens the skin and prevents excess hair growth
3) Replace milk and yoghurt with organic milk and yoghurt. These foods are manufactured in an 100% organic environment. This helps to lessen harmonal imbalance if any