Swathi Naksathra General Characteristics

Swathi nakshatra generally considered best, most auspicious, lucky star is ruled by planet Rahu the lord of luck bestowed with power equivalent to planet saturn except for that rahu is 100% selfish whereas saturn has balanced approach towards fellow human beings. This makes rahu the preferred political planet. Saturn rules material riches and material success of a person so does the rahu. Swathi the auspicious nakshatra comes under Libra zodiac the balanced scale also called as Thula thulam as it is referred variously. Planet saturn is exalted in libra and typically the exaltation point happens in swathi star. This signifies that saturn is extremely happy to have been associated with rahu planet.

Swathi birth star person unique characteristics

1) Native enjoys good health, wealth, prosperity
2) Native brings happiness to everyone in the family
3) Native has a attractive look, good communication skill (though prone to speak lie some times)
4) Most individuals go for love marriage. They prefer love marriage over arranged marriage
5) They enjoy huge power, prominent position in arts, people relationship sectors. Some of them shine as good HR as well
6) They are meant for their magnetic personality

If rahu is posited good in birth chart they enjoy the best benefits. If not the results get reversed.