Sugar CRM Open Source CRM Cloud CRM

Sugar CRM is the most popular open-source customer relationship management solution. It is widely used with about 6000+ unique customer base. Customer Relationship Management solutions,CRM as they are popularly called is used to increase the profit of a business by executing marketing programs, which will lead to sales growth. It helps in retaining the customer base. Sugar CRM is used to build custom applications geared towards achieving this goal.
Why is sugarCRM so popular?
1) It is the decade of open source technologies. Besides popular CRM solutions like Salesforce CRM which is licensed customers prefer to use sugarCRM which is a open source CRM. Also, many interesting and useful features have been included in sugarCRM which really parallel with licensed salesforce CRM.
2) SugarCRM is flexible and easy to use
3) SugarCRM can be deployed in popular cloud platforms including Amazon EC2(Elastic cloud), Microsoft Azure, Sugar on-demand. We can have sugarCRM setup and run in private cloud computing platforms as well
Give some more open source CRM:-
SugarCRM is the most popular open source CRM. Besides this TigerCRM is another interesting open source CRM.