Saturn in second house/dhana sthanam/kudumba sthanam

Though many astrologers consider it worst, it is interesting to note that the most popular actor born on leo/simha ascendant/lagnam has saturn in his second house. So, did hehappen to lead a pauper life? certainly not. So, what needs to be considered. Position of saturn from lagnam and moon plays a major role in determining benefits.
Id saturn is placed from moon in beneficial positions say 5, 9, 11th (best) this form the natural benefic and gives very good results to such ascendant.
Person with this combination never speaks truth. If he praises someone they will lead a good life if not he will become pauper. This is the worst position of saturn. So avoid such people.

He will have plenty of family problems, his relatives will be jealous of him. He will overcome all these difficulties and eventually succeed in life.