Reduce Belly Fat Easy Tips And Tricks

Belly fat is the first indication of obesity. Belly is the part of the body where fat gets accumulated and causes what is called a Pot Belly. Major reason behind Pot Belly is inactivity. Life has become so easy and everything happens just at the click of a mouse. These minor changes in our day-to-day life have lead to great changes in our healthy lifestyle. We've discussed few tips and tricks on reducing pot belly or fat near belly. These tips and tricks are different from other dieticians and workout trainers advice. These can be easily adopted as these are nothing but change the way we perform our day-to-day tasks
1) Drink 500ml of water before breakfast, lunch, dinner. This reduces the food consumption and eases digestion
2) Have chocolates,cakes, cookies and pastries once in 5 days. Many of us want to start a new diet plan and in many cases we giveup in a month or so. This method allows us to lessen the junk food consumption rather than alleviating it altogether. This can be more effective because, we do take our favourite foods once in a while rather than totally alleviating it which can affect us psycologically. Let me explain a truth to you. Food is another passion. We can't give it up altogether. So, it is always best to find ways to lessen the effect
3) Do deep inhalation and exhalation (slowly) 3 times every day. If you can do it 1 hour before your lunch it is great. Drink 500ml water after this breathing. It is possible even if we are in office to take a deep breathe once or twice at our desk. This traditional breathing technique called pranayama fills our body with oxygen. This reduces the food consumption still provides us more energy and keeps us active
4) Mix horsegram(available in grocery stores) with sour curd. Apply on top of pot belly. Bath after 15 minutes. Horsegram has the power to absord extra fat. It possible drink horsegram stew once a week. Just boil water and when water boils add 1tsp of horsegram. 
5) Place all your things on the floor on in a lower place which allows us to bend if we want to pick them up. Use lower two plates in refrigerator, place groceries in bottom shelves