Raja Yogas Swetakushta Yogam Daridra Yogam

Raja Yoga occurs when the lords of 2nd and 3rd house are conjunct and stay in a kendra or a trikona or labha sthana (11th house)
Kendra - 1,4,7,10th house
Konam - 1,5,9th house
Labham - 11th house
Swetakushta Yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if Mars is in 2nd house, saturn is in 12th house, moon is in lagna, sun is in 7th house.
This is not an auspicious yogam. This causes a person to suffer from white leprosy.
This is a hereditary disease. It is interesting to see that the same combination occurs generations after generation.
Daridra Yoga occurs when the lord of 11th and 12th house or conjunct. Such a person leads a poor, miserable life full of debts.11th sthana - bhagya sthana/ position of fortune - gives us fortune
12th sthana - viraya sthana - determines the spending potential of a person

If these lords are conjunct it forms daridra yoga.