Nita ambani pregnancy

Nita ambani wife of muesh ambani a wonderful leader who is assisting mukesh to take business in right direction had hard times during initial years of marriage. One such instance is nita ambani had extremely hard time getting pregnant. Ambanis literally had to wait 8 years to see their grand children (However,it is very happy to see twin grand children at the end)
Now lets take a look at mukesh and nitas horoscope to determine what led to such a great delay in pregnancy
1) Mukesh has kethu in 7th house. Venus along with combust sun in 7th house
2) Mukesh born in libra ascendant has mercury in 7th house. Mercury is within 10 degrees of sun and hence that is combust as well. As a consequence mercury, kethu, sun, venus are all posited in 7th house
3) Mukesh has rahu exalted in 1st house (lagna)
4) As per ancient verses when such combination occurs such a person becomes sanyasi. Though mukesh has not taken that path yet his thought pattern would be something similar to that. His penance was to have a great success with Jamnagar. For mukesh always business comes first. This along with marriage during that time would have led to delay in pregnancy
5) Mukesh has kalasarpa dosha and position of jupiter in 11th house saves him. Such kala sarpa dosham is said to be released once a person reaches 34 years of age. It is interesting to note that nita delivered twins only after mukesh turning 34

6) When kethu and venus occupies seventh house this will definitely lead to delay in pregnancy, and in some cases will lead to no kids scenario. As jupiter is perfectly posited in 11th house this has been taken care of and there was a delay in pregnancy