Mudra for acidity

In this article we will look at various points in the hands that have nerve endings that connect to the different parts of the body.This is a very important topic in the sense that a person who believes that mudra will cure his ailments should know what mudra will cure his ailments by looking at the mudra posture in the subsequent topic and also the nerve endings that is depicted in the diagrams below.
What is a Mudra?
Mudra is a sanskrit word meaning sign or seal.It is gesture usually with hands that locks and guides energy flows and reflexes to the brain.
Five Fingers for Five Elements are as follows
1. Thumb :Fire
2. Index :Air
3. Middle :Aakash
4. Ring :Earth
5. Little :Water
What are the benefits of Using Mudra?
Cures various ailments like Menstrual Cycle, Blood Pressure, eye, ear problems, nervous problems, cholesterol, body weight etc.
Any ailment in the body can be cured using the mudra.
Makes mind calm and concentrated, removes laziness in the body, makes body feel rejuvenated and to put in simple terms makes one think that "They should enjoy every minute of life with family, friends and this beautiful earth.
Who should practise Mudra?
Mudras is universal and suitable to everyone.
No previous experience is needed to practise mudras.
Mudras can be practised anytime of day (Day, Night, Evening... anytime you wish).
You can practise mudra while standing, sleeping, sitting unless otherwise specified.
Important things to note in Mudras?
Pay attention to breathing while doing mudra exercises.
Concentrate while doing mudras to realize immense potential that you have
Apan Vayu Mudra :
Apanvayu mudra also popularly called as miruthyasanjeevimudra is a powerful mudra that needs to be practised only 15 minutes everyday. If you carefully look at its name mrithusanjeevi it claims longevity as mrithunjay and snajeevi are both associated with longevity of live, hale and healthy life in Indian custom and culture. It is found to cure the following ailments in minutes
Natural medicine is gaining real great popularity. Ancient Indian medicine that does make use of yoga, pranayam,meditation are gaining popularity among world community. Another interesting natural remedy that acts both on pro-active and reactive bases is the mudra.
Mudras are postures that are created with fingers that regulate the element balance in body and bring remedy to most of our problems. As such ancient riutals like poojas, homam performed by priests involve chanting of mantra along with mudra practice. If we explore some basic mudras and their remedy in detail the results are astonishing
1) Chronic heart attack, heart pain, artery blocks and ailments related to heart can be cured
2) Can be used as a first aid remedy during heart attack
3) Severe acid reflux, digestion problems gets cured in 10minutes of this mudra practice. Acid reflux causes indigestion.Acid reflux might cause headache as a side effect. Drink 1 litre of water. Practice this mudra. In 10 minutes excess of food is pushed out in form of vomiting. This has a great cure for acid reflux. Antacids do have similar effect but this is a natural remedy
How do I perform apanvayu mudra or miruthyasanjeevi mudra?
1) Bend the index finger so that its tip touches the base of thumb
2) Tips of middlefinger and ring finger should touch tip of thumb
3) Practice this mudra with your spinal cord in straight position
4) After 15 minutes slowly release fingers and stretch your palms
5) This mudra can be practiced 15 minutes every day
6) It can be practiced during morning and evening
These pressure points are mostly associated with heart and its associated nerves that makes blood flow smooth, regulates blood flow, makes it work properly. Hence, practice this mudra with caution if you have associated illness like blood pressure, have had heart attack, cardiac surgeries in the past
Apan vayu mudra benefits :
Vayu as the name suggests means wind. Apan vayu also referred using term apana vayu is a wind (or) air that moves away from us. Air happens to be one of the essentially important elements influencing human body as one of the five elements. As such a mudra that is based on air named apan vayu mudra has power to influence digestion, reproductive system, excretory system in human being. The breathing is a process that starts from nose and ends inside stomach. As such organs closer to stomach including digestive system related intestines, pelvic area related to reproduction and child birth, lower abdomen influencing reproductive and excretory system are all impacted by practising apan vayu mudra.
Mudras influence many different chakras in human body. As the name suggests this apan vayu mudra from air impacts abdomen and surrounding chakras mainly muladhara chakra the chakra located at core of the pelvis. The element related to this mudra happens to be earth. Owing to its fantastic benefits on human health this is also called as miruthyasanjeevi mudra. Miruthyasanjeevi mudra literally translates to person with no death. We can take it in meaning that this mudra when practiced will bestow long life similar to sanjeevi (person who has been to live for ever no death namely hanuman lord anjaneyar, ayyappan and some mythological figures)
How do I practice apan vayu mudra?
Follow the steps given below to perform apan vayu mudra properly:
1) Bend the index finger towards the thumb so that its tip touches the base of thumb
2) Ring finger is associated with element fire. Tips of middle finger and ring finger should touch tip of thumb
3) Practice this mudra with your spinal cord in upright position for proper pranayamic movement throughout the body. Practice this for 15 minutes
4) After 15 minutes slowly release fingers and stretch your palms. This is a calm relaxation position after mudra practice
These pressure points are mostly associated with heart and its associated nerves that makes blood flow smooth, regulates blood flow, makes it work properly. Hence, practice this mudra with caution if you have associated illness like blood pressure, have had heart attack, cardiac surgeries in the past
How long should I practice this mudra?
This powerful mudra needs to be practiced 15 minutes each and every day
Which time of the day is appropriate for practicing this mudra?
It can be practiced during morning and evening each and every day for best results
What are the benefits of practicing this mudra?
Though digestion, excretory and reproductive issues are cured by practicing this mudra following are major health benefits of practicing this mudra:
1) Chronic heart attack, heart pain, artery blocks and ailments related to heart can be cured. The index finger is associated with planet jupiter that rules heart in human body. Hence all the ailments are taken care of. Heart is often associated with digestive system as well. It is interesting to note that this mudra can be used as a first aid remedy during heart attack
3) Severe acid reflux, digestion problems gets cured in 10 minutes of this mudra practice. Acid reflux causes indigestion that causes headache , vomitting as a side effect. As a simple cure for acid reflux drink 1 litre of water and practice this mudra. In 10 minutes excess of food is pushed out in form of vomiting. This has a great cure for acid reflux. Antacids do have similar effect but this is a natural remedy and can be practiced regularly for best results
Varun mudra for maths skill
Maths - Subject of life is a never ending phenomenon. We use maths everywhere in our day to day lives. It is a good idea to write down maths tables if you feel like refreshing your mind. Apart from this there is a special meditation/yoga/mudra technique that rejuvenates you and helps in improving your math skill..
This mudra is called as Varun Mudra. Varun as we know means rain - form of water. Five different fingers in our hand represent different elements. Little finger represents water. Varun Mudra - Press the thumb against little finger. Do it for 5 minutes every day.
You can feel a lot of difference in your maths skills. Kids of age below 7 years when given practice become genius (math geeks indeed)...... Note : Don't press against little finger tip.
When putting mudras be careful not to press the thumb against any finger tip as this will lead to dehydration. Some other ways to improve maths skill is playing puzzles, sudoku, maths games frequently
Gyan Mudra Mudra Of Knowledge
Practicing mudras requires patience as it will take time to see the results. For some people they will be able to see the remedies immediately and for some it might take time to see the results of the mudras. The effects of the mudras depends on the composition of the body, the ailment you are trying the cure, how much effort (time) you put in the mudras and how sincere you are practicing the mudras.
My advice based on my personal experience is that mudras works for every human being and it a simplest way to keep ourselves healthy.How to do the mudra:
Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger, with the other three fingers stretched out.
Mudra Explained: The thumb has nerve endings connected to pituitary, pineal and endocrine glands and the index finger has nerves that are related to colds and the tip of the thumb and the index finger is related to sinuses. So when we do these mudras there is a relief of cold and sinuses and oxygen to the brain increases which in turn increases the concentration and memory power.
Best time to practice the mudra: Anytime
Duration of practice: No time duration
Posture: Sitting, standing, lying in the bed (preferably sitting)
Effects: Balances five elements (wind, air, water, fire, earth, ether), energizes neuron, blood supply and circulation in the brain energizes neurons for instant action
Physical parts of the body that benefit from this mudra: Brain, pituitary and endocrine glands
Health Benefits/Ailments Cured in doing this mudra:
Increases memory power and sharpens the brain
Enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia (No need of Sleeping pills anymore!)
If we practice it regularly, it will cure all psychological disorders like Mental, Hysteria, Anger and Depression
Cures intoxication and additive habits
Causes electrical changes in the electromagnetic activity of the brain leading to increased clarity and understanding
Cure for all diseases arising out of weakness of the nervous system
Home Remedies to treat Insomnia:
Curd is also useful in insomnia. The patient should take plenty of curd and massage it on the head. This will induce sleep
Milk is very valuable in insomnia. A glass of milk, sweetened with honey, should be taken every night before going to bed in treating this condition. It acts as a tonic and a tranquilliser. Massaging the milk over the soles of the feet has also been found effective
2 tsp of fenugreek leaves juice with 1 tsp of honey at bed times daily
Mix 2 tsp of honey to 1 glass of warm water. Drink just before sleeping. Give half the amount to babies it will help put them to sleep.

Surya mudra - overcome menstural problems in women