Matru Sneha Yoga Matru Sneha Yogam

Mathru as the name suggests is always associated with mother. If a yoga has gotten pithru in its naming convention it generally relates to one's father. As the name suggests this yogam talks about the kind of relationship the kids will have with their mother. Sneham means friendship and as the name combination says mathru sneham means closeness, friendly relationship, fond of one's mom
Matru Sneha Yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if the 1st (lagna) and 4th houses have a common lord (sagittarius/dhanus, Mithuna/Gemini), or the lords of the 1st and 4th houses must be temporal or natural friends or aspected by benefics
A person with matru sneha yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
1) Cordial relationship with his mother

Mother and son will be very closer in this case.