Making Money Foreign Country Astrology

In spite of  making good income in homeland travelling to foreign countries for making great fortune is a dream many of us have. Most of us are sure of making a good deal in foreign country. Though Rahu/Neptune is predominantly considered the significator of travelling to foreign land, it doesn't always guarantee a good fortune in foreign land. For one to make good money this planetary combination must be present in his horoscope to make good money outside his home country in foreign land :
1) Lord of second house called dhana sthana must be in 11th house/bhagyasthanam
2) Second house must be occupied by a benefic - Jupiter(the best), Sukran/Venus, Mercury, Fullmoon(Moon in waning phase - sukla paksha moon) the natural benefic planets
3) Lord of Lagna should be in trines/trikonam - 1st,5th,9th houses the most auspicious house called as mahalakshmi sthanam
Lets say for example the birth lagna/ascendant is dhanus/sagittarius. In this case Saturn gets exalted at Libra/Thulam which happens to be his eleventh house. Jupiter is in Mesham/Simham/Sagittarius(5,9,1). Second house is occupied by moon, mercury,venus. If it is Venus it is the best.

This horoscope will make great living in foreign country. His job will be of moving nature. He keeps on travelling and makes good fortune in foreign land.