Jupiter occupying third house from lagna

Jupiter the yellow god signifies the luck and fortune in terms of money inflow of a person. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and when placed properly in ones horoscope the person will enjoy all benefits, luxury and will lead a life equivalent to that of a king. It is determinant of character of an individual often marked by honesty, hardwork, positive thoughts, positive attitude. So, what happens if jupiter occupies third house the house of wishes also called abolimam not so favorable as per some astrologers but in reality this is major house that will determine growth, life partner character to some extent, benefits from in-laws, level of determination and lots more. Here is the simple list of effects of this combination
1) If jupiter occupies third house in case of makara lagna, the person will be slave in his inlaws home. As the third house is the house of in-laws, in general benefits that you can expect from your wives family and for this makara ascendant jupiter is the lord of third house and 12th house. Lord of third house posited in third house makes a person equivalent to slace in his in-laws house. He can't command respect from them. It is to be noted that same effects do exist for jupiter in 7th house for Virgo/kanni ascendant as well as mercury in 7th house for sagittarius (or) dhanush ascendant
2) His/her father-in-law will have three wives. He/she is likely to enter remarriage in their life. There is a chance of love failure followed by marriage followed by reunion with former lover
3) In caseof mithuna/gemini ascendant, libra/thulam lagnam it is not considered good combination in terms of marriage as again for libra ascendant jupiter is the lord of third and sixth houses that when posited in third house makes him lead life of slave
4) For other lagnas/ascendants the person is expected to get intelligent well disciplined spouse. In case of sagittarius the third house happens to be kumbha and jupiter when placed in this position will bestow him life of king after getting married to the right person

5) The person is likely to construct educational institution, temple at later point in his lifetime. Jupiter is the lord that governs education leading to this beneficial effect