Jada Yogam Gola Yoga Anapathya Yoga Anapha Sakata Yoga Moon Yogam

Jada Yogam
Jada yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if the lord of the 2nd house is positioned in the 10th house with malefics; (or) the 2nd house lord must join Sun and Mandhi (son of saturn planet. We'll discuss about effects of mandhi in a seperate article)
A person with Jada yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
He becomes nervous in public assemblies.
Second house lord is the signifactor of speech. Mandi, sun combination makes him poor communicator, stammering in some cases
Gola Yoga
Gala yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if the full moon is in the 9th house in conjunction with Jupiter or Venus, mercury joins the navamsa lagna.
A person with gola yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
1) He is polite
2) He is learned
3) He will be a magistrate(jupiter) , head of town
4) He is long-lived
5) He will be eating lot of delicious food (Venus)
Anapathya Yoga Anapha Moon Yogam
Anapathya Yogam
Anapathya yogam occurs in a person's horoscope if Jupiter and the lords of Lagna/Ascendant, the 7th and the 5th are weak.
A person with anapathya yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
The person will not have any children
Anapha Moon Yogam
Just like sunapha yogam anapha yogam is an another raja yogam based on moon. Placement of a planet in a house 12th from moon is anapha yoga. Anapha yogam literally means a planet in the house before moon.
If kethu is placed in the house before moon it gives great fortune to a person out of real estate properties.
A person with anapha yogam in his horoscope will have :
1) Well-formed, proportioned body
2) Good looking appearance, majestic look
3) Good reputation, name, fame
4) He is polite, generous, has great self-respect
5) Fond of good dresses and pleasures
6) He will achieve great name and fame in later part of his life
If a person has both anapha yogam and sunapha yogam in his horoscope, he will lead a life equivalent to a king
Sakata Yoga Moon Yogam
Look for positioning of moon the planet ruling mind, jupiter the planet ruling intellect in your horoscope. A yogam based on moon is sakata yogam. When moon is in 6th, 8th or 12th house from Jupiter sakata yogam is formed.A person with sakata yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
1) Loss of fortune and regain of fortune happens. 6th sthana is sathru sthana which determines house of enemies. 8th sthanan is maraga sthana is again bhava (house) that shows path to death. 12th house is vyaya (virayam) sthanam which determines loss of wealth.
2) He will lead an ordinary life owing to loss of wealth
3) He will suffer from poverty, misery as moon the planet of luxury, jupiter the planet of abundance are both misplaced
4) He is stubborn and will not have any friends owing to bad moon position that rules his attitude

5) Enemies will hate him to the core