Is it possible to predict chances of divorce from ones horoscope?

Happy hale healthy married life is something everyone years for. In some cases unexpected events make it impossible. Upon analyzing the timing of such events it turns out that interestingly the planetary transits contribute a lot to such events. This can be ill-efect of base horoscope, basic dasa, bukthi, anthra dasa or something related to their horoscope
Is it possible to predict chances of divorce from ones horoscope?
Answer would be YES.Based on certain planet positioning it is definitely possible to determine marital bliss in ones life.
Some popular planetary combinations that might lead to divorce have been presented here :
1) Aries/Mesha Lagna - Ruled by planet mars the person is very straight forward. Particularly the birth star happens to be ashwini the person is very straight forward, extermely emotional and one best combination for marriage. Venus in taurus/vrishabha/rishabam, venus in thulam/libra necessarily leads to issues. Mars in 7th house the thula is not a favorable combination. Though rahu is a benefic for this ascendant positioning of rahu in 7th house thula, 8th house scorpio are some unfavorable combinations that lead to issues. IF mars and saturn are posited in libra rasi there is a great chance of this person getting involved in extra marital affairs and getting married more than once
2) Taurus/Vrishabha/Rishabha lagna - Ruled by planet venus the lord of love, luck, fortune, family happiness still will have some issues with marriage in case of some planetary placement. Mercury in mithuna/gemini/mithunam lagna, mars in scorpio
3) Gemini/Mithuna/Mithunam lagna - moon in cancer, jupiter in saggitarius
4) Cancer/Kataka/katakam lagna - sun in leo, saturn in capricorn
5) Leo/simham lagna - mercury in virgo/kanni, saturn in aquarius
6) Virgo/kanni lagna - venus in thulam/libra, jupiter in pisces
7) Thula/thulam/libra lagnam - mars in scorpio, mars in aries/mesham/mesha
8) Scorpio/viruchiks/viruchikam lagna - jupiter in sagittarius, venus in taurus/rishabha/rishabam
9) Sagittarius/dhanus/dhanur lagna - saturn in capricorn, mercury in gemini/mituna/mithunam
10) Capricorn/makaram/makara lagna - Saturn in Aquarius, moon in cancer
11) Kumbham/kumbha/aquarius lagna - Jupiter in Pisces, Sun in Leo

12) Pisces/Meena/Meenam lagna - Mars in Aries, Mercury in Virgo/kanni