Aries Mesha Ascendant Bharani birthstar

If you are born in aries aka mesha ascendant with bharani the second star in constellation as your birthstar, your life starts under influence of venus dasa followed by sun, moon, mars,rahu,jupiter,saturn,mercury,kethu. If you want to repeat venus dasa again you would be 121 years old which is practically not possible hence lets not think too much about that
Venus dasa - Venus is the second lord of aries ascendant. She happens to be lord of 7th house too. Moon will be in ascendant. During venus dasa have yellow paper handy to overcome negative effects of venus. Dont expect lots of benefits during venus dasa
Sun Dasa - Sun is the lord of 5th house, benefic for venus too. with orange colour cloth you can magnify benefits of sun

Moon - moon in ascendant with lord of fourth house posited in ascendant makes this a benefic dasa. for best benefits have blue ribbon handy