2,11,20,29 Dayofbirth General Characteristics Numerology

Numerology a division of astrology helps us predict our future based on numbers. Often numbers start with time of birth that boild down to minutes and seconds, date of birth, month of birth all the way upto year of birth. Based on the day of birth (i.e) day of the month in which you are born it is possible to determine the general characteristics of a person and predict important future happenings including career, money flow, personal life etc of the person. In this post we will talk about the magic number 2 and its variants including 11,20,29. Note that when added all these numbers convert to 2 finally. Let us see the traits of 2 and its variant numbers 11,20,29 in numerology
1) The number 2 is related to moon which controls the mind of a person. Those born on number 2,11,20,29(variants of 2) will have good creativity, will be into research. Moon is the ruler of intellect bestowing best intelligence to these individuals
2) They have the capability and mindpower to achieve anything in life out of their intelligence
3) They always think different and will apply their thought pattern which will result in an innovation. Most of them will be great businessman, mathematician, logical analytical field that does make use of brain
4) They will be always thinking about something if moon in their chart if not placed well this might lead to constant tension and confusion
5) They lack self-confidence and never trust others a basic quality of moon
6) If moon is weak in horoscope it gives negative results like lots of jealousy, lack of self-confidence, idiotic behavior to name a few

Career - Business, communication related services, teaching business, learning school, training school, water business as water is an element ruled by moon, nursing as this is a profession ruled by moon etc