DigitalMedia Marketing Strategies for home inspection business

If you are a newbie with fresh home inspection license from a particular state, this is time to start establishing great network, have proper online and digital media marketing tools in place to propel your business. As an growing or established business to position yourself in home inspection business going online and digital media marketing is very important Here is a blueprint on digital media marketing steps a home inspector can follow to launch their business online, promote this online 1) Register a domain - Any website needs a web address. The web address is the domain name the online address for your business What should the domain name be? It is normal for any business to have a website address same as their business name What is exact name is not present? There are two possibilities and here is a simple fix a) Domain name not same as business name - Register a domain name that has the name similar to business name though not exactly the same b) Compromise on .com domains - Say the domain name is present with a different extension like .net, some fashionable extensions instead of .com then go for it if you are comfortable We can help you choose best domain name that is SEO optmized, that will help you grow your business 2) Launch a website - Once the domain is registered, you need to create a website under that domain name. There are some steps in this process Purchase a hosting account - As per a recent survey there are more than 9000 web hosting providers to choose from. It becomes necessary to choose the appropriate web hosting provider to start with As a next step choose appropriate hosting plan that will fit your needs. This is the point that can cost you big money. Create website in the purchases hosting account - This is a step that definitely needs technical expertise. You can make use of tools supplied by web hosting provider for creating website, can use CMS like wordpress. 3) Optimize website - The creation of website is just the first step. It is very important to optimize the website. Note that website optimization supports search engine optimization. Website optimization is different than search engine optimization 4) Digital media marketing - Once the website is ready this is one among million websites. It is essentially important to follow all the strategies of digital media marketing to grow your business. Studies show that your website should be in first page within first 5 positions to get lion's share of traffic. Digital media marketing can be done adopting one or more of following SEO - Social media marketing efforts start with choosing the keywords needed for your business. To put it in real simple terms, you launch a business in a locality, you want to top the list for key searches that a typical buyer or seller does online. Simple strategies that make it possible is collectively given name search engine optimization On page SEO for home inspector websites On page SEO is an important factor for top ranking of home inspector website. Way back 2010 if you have a website you will definitely get online leads. Now, the demography of online marketing has changed a lot. Google does value authority, good quality, relevant, niche websites. Home inspection is a lucrative business that is equally competitive. Home inspection is a local business that has very big advantage of serving the population within confined geography. Equally problematic is that you should have well optimized website that does rank in first page of google. For a business to derive value from google search they should be ranking in first page of google, should have been listed within first 5 positions for better click through rate. Inspite of all this online marketing will help you get 18% conversion as opposed to offline marketing strategies that does offer 1.6% conversion. Optimized post title - Title is the first step that talks more about your business. First step would be to get list of keywords that are geographically targeted in and around local area. The post title should be optimized with this keyword with following two aspects as part of title a) Post title should start with keyword b) Post title should include keyword c) Post title can have related long tail keywords Post title should be included in h1 tag. This is default with wordpress websites. Howver, make sure the post title is included within h1 tag as some themes might tweak this behavior. Look at webpage source. Search for post title. Make sure this is within h1 tag Keyword in first paragraph - Once you have the keyword as part of post title this is a good SEO entry. The content of website as such whole page should be optimized utilizing on page seo. This includes inclusion of keyword as part of first paragraph Optimal URL structure - This is very easy with usage of permalinks in wordpress websites. By default permalinks will include date of publication of post. This is good and bad. The best optimal title is one with keyword as part of it, short and sweet with proper title length Utilization of h3 tag - Some tests show that h3 tags are equally powerful as h1 tag. Also, keyword as part of h3 tag will give your webpage a boost Images, Videos - You can't see a post without infographic images these days. Home inspection is a practical business that has greater scope of displaying, images, videos etc Social media share plugin - Social media accounts contribute about 40% of site's traffic source. To start with social media account in relevant media, automation of marketing with proper tools will help you influence your visitors to become follower, prospective customers Social media marketing - Our life starts with google ends with facebook. Coffee flies with tweets, photo sharing happens at pinterest. We grow professionally via linkedin. There are tons of social networks to chosoe from. Do you want to utilize all of these social mediaum to grow yoru business. Honestly speaking nope. This is a waste of time if you try to build relationships utilizing all of them. We can help you choose right social medium to help you get more home inspection business content marketing - Content is the king. Way back 10 years if you have to launch a website to support your business it will be as simple as a page with your name, contact number, email, localities you serve as a home inspector, your licensing, accreditation details. Now, the case is totally different. Any website without a blog is literally dead in water. If you look at google it can make you pauper or topper depending on the content your website does contain. As a home inspector it becomes essentially important to have a blog that does support content marketing. We can help you learn more by first auditing your existing website, looking at possibilities of growing your business online utilizing content media marketing. We have professional content writers to help you get best content Video marketing Home inspectors winter marketing campaign advantages East coast home inspectors, home inspectors in states including michigan, illinois, north dakota, wisconsin, canada etc face additional challenge of harsh winter weather condition causing slow down of their home inspection business. As a home buyer most of us prefer early months of any year for our home buying purpose. However, if situation demands us to buy homes during winter home inspection should be done without any fail. Home inspection helps home buyers avoid forthcoming headache if any. NJ home inspectors always have slow business during this season. Here are some winter challenges that does cause slowing down of home inspection business in NJ starting october until middle of january if not until april 1) Foundation inspection in severe snow - It would be a challenge to inspect the foundation in snow weather. This can be mild snow as well as severe snow storm 2) Roof damages can be overlooked - Have you ever wondered what your roof is going to be after severe snow the day before? This beautiful white blanket does cover roof damages Here are some tips on how you can market these disadvantages to your advantage to keep up the momentum even during winter season and grow your business during off-peak season 1) Focus on niche inspection - You can create a media marketing campaign targeted towards niche inspection. This is the best time for heating inspection. See the way heating systems work under pressure. Look for issues with room heating. This is a campaign that can be targeted towards home sellers. Mention that a heating system certified in harsh winter weather condition would be perfect selling point for their home. A seller can mention this as part of their advertisement listing that does create more confidence in buyer For this marketing campaign, email marketing is the way to go 2) Highlight the inspections that can be done only during winter - Some inspections including how well a roof can withstand icicles can be done only during winter weather condition. This element can be marketed to sellers via social media marketing, email campaign etc 3) Create and publish online coupon - In addition to talking about coupon code in your website, it would be interesting to market your business via coupon code. This is possible by advertising your coupon code in proper directories, classifieds, social media