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Connecting To The Grid Control and Features Of Grid
Once we know that OMS(Oracle Management Server) is running we're ready to log into the Grid control Console.In order to do this we must know the port number for the Grid Control, which we can get from the portlist.ini file,located in the $ORACLE_HOME/install directory.
The first item in the setupinfo file shows the port number of the Grid Control. We connect to the Grid Control interface by typing a URL with the following format into our web browser.
The Grid control installation includes an Oracle Application Server instance,which is administered using a special ias_admin user account. This is the default information for the embedded Application Server instance on a sample server:
Instance Name : EnterpriseManager- (instance name)
ias_admin password : This password is same as SYSMAN account
These are the connection details for the Management Repository on my server:
Host : (hostname)
Port : 1521
SID : (sid name)
Logging In to the Grid Control :
When we install the Grid Control, a super-administrator account, SYSMAN, is automatically installed, and we provide the password for it at that time. We use this SYSMAN account to log into OEM for the first time.
We can't rename or delete this account , but can later setup administrator accounts for various users who need to use the Grid Control to manage databases. We can limit the privileges of each administrator to control which databases they can access, and we can set up customized notification rules for them.
Once we successfully login we'll be in home page from which we can control databases by clicking Database from the drop-down list of targets or by clicking targets tab and clicking database link.
Note: We cannot use database accounts like SYS/SYSTEM to loginto Grid Control. Only SYSMAN can be used.
Features Of Grid Control :
The Grid control is an enormously powerful monitoring and management tool. Some features are given below:
Enterprise Configuration Management :
We can perform the following teo enterprise-wide configuration related tasks through grid control.
1) Obtaining host and database configuration information
2) Changing the configuration
Obtaining Database And Host Configuration Information :
Management agents, which runs on the database hosts,collect configuration information about their hosts and send it to OEM's management repository every 24 hours. They send the following:
1) Memory, CPU, and I/O configuration on the host
2) Details about the OS such as vendor, version, installed software components, patches and database patch information
3) Properties associated with the database and its instances
4) Information about tablespaces and datafiles
5) Information about controlfiles and redologs
Monitoring And Managing Enterprise Configuration :
We can use grid control to monitor and manage the enterprise configuration. Here's what grid control allows us to do wrt monitoring the configuration:
1) Look and contrast the hardware and software configurations of different hosts and databases
2) Monitor any changes to host configuration
3) Summarize our configuration
4) Search for configuration
5) Carry out cloning operations on Oracle homes and database instances
6) Look at violations of host and database policies
7) Patch oracle an manage warnings about critical patches
What is A Group?
To facilitate the management of a large number of targets, the grid control lets us organize a large number of systems into groups. We can grant grid control user access to certain groups. We can group targets into homogenous groups (databases only, application server only, for example) or heterogenous groups (such as database,listener, application server and host server).