UNIX Command For BigData Professional

Big Data Professional need good grep on UNIX/LINUX OS. Here is a synopsis of common commands to be used by them. Note that all unix/linux commands are executed in shell and should end with carriage return : As a hadoop big data preofessional some tasks are common in day-to-day life and these commands come handy. A unix prompt usually has $ (or) # if it is root user aka superuser which has maximum system privilege 1) man commandname - Provides help notes on command 2) Commands to create directory mkdir dirname change to this location cd dirname to determine details on current working directory pwd - also called as present working directory 3) Commands to create files file filename Use editors like vi/emacs to open and read file vi filename emacs filename To get to know list of files user : ls For long listing : ls -l 4) Access the files and read file contents cat filename test plan - includes everything. Also called test strategy - automated/manual, deadline, resources. test strategy involves cost also Test Scenario - higher level of functionality that we are trying to test test case - part of test scenario. goes into greater depth of testing individual items. This is a breakage of test scenarios with various combinations