Solaris system administrator interview question and answer

Administer printers check the status of printers Sun solaris:- Check the status of printers is a step performed after setting up print server and print client.It is an important printer administration task that require information about the status of the LP print service or a specific printer. If we need to determine which printers are available for use we may need to know the characteristics of those printers.The command lpstat is used to obtain status information about the LP print service or a specific printer offered by the service. $ lpstat [-d] [-p printer-name] [-D] [-l] [ -o list] [-t] where the options are listed as follows : -d - shows the system's default printer -D - shows the description of the printer specified by the printer-name. This is usually used with -p option -l - shows the characteristics of the printer specified by the printername -o list - displays the status of the output requests specified by the list. It is a intermix of printer names, class names, request ID's. If we don't specify the list, status of all requests is displayed -p printer-name - Showws whether the printer specified by the printername is active or idle, when the printer was enabled or disabled, whether the printer is accepting print requests. We can specify multiple printer names in a comma seperated list , space seperated list enclosed in quotation marks. If we don't specify a printer, status of all printers is displayed -t - shows information about the LP print service. It includes the status of all printers, including whether they are active and whether they are accepting print requests. Usage : lpstat command can be used to determine the status of a print request, a printer, many other aspects of print service such as print scheduler. Autofs Creating Direct Map Sun Solaris:- Autofs - Creating a Direct Map involves the following steps. What is a direst map in autofs? A direct map lists a set of unrelated mountpoints that might be spread out across the file system. A complete path is listed in the map as a mount point (/usr/local/bin). /etc/auto_direct map lists the following : /usr/local -ro /usr/man -ro ronald:/usr/man helen:/usr/man news2:/usr/man Follow the steps given below to create a direct map 1) Add the following entry in the master map file called /etc/auto_master : /- /etc/auto_direct 2) Create teh direct map file called /etc/auto_direct with the following entry : /usr/local pluto:/usr/local 3) As we're modifying a direct map, we must run automount to reload the AutoFS tables as follows : # automount If we've access to /usr/local directory, the NFS mount point is established by using the direct map we've set up. 4) List the contents of /usr/local : # ls /usr/local Adding run control script Solaris Sun solaris :- dding a run control script involves the following steps : 1) Log in as normal user and become the root user/super user (# prompt) 2) Add the script to the /etc/init.d directory : # cp filename /etc/init.d # cd /etc/init.d # chmod 744 filename # chown root:sys filename - change the user and group permissions (user:group) 3) Create links to appropriate rc.d directory # ln filename /etc/rc2.d/S -- startup script # ln filename /etc/rc.d/K -- kill/stop script 4) Use the ls command to verify that the links have been created for the script int he specified directories. # ls -li /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc?.d/[SK]* Sun Solaris Booting the x86 client:- Sun Solaris Booting the x86 client involves the following steps 1) Enter the system BIOS (Basic Input Output System) by typing the appropriate keystrokes 2) Configure the BIOS to boot from the network 3) Adjust the boot device priority list, if present, so that a network boot is attempted first 4) Exit the system BIOS The system will boot from network and should prompt for installation we want to run. Choose the installation type and proceed further. File System Parameters Solaris:- Sun Solaris  File System Parameters/custom file system parameters are given below : 1) Logical block size - It is the size of the blocks that the UNIX kernel uses to read or write files 2) Fragment Size - As files are created or expanded they are allocated disk space in either full logical blocks or portions of logical blocks called fragments. When disk space is needed to hold data for a file, full blocks are allocated first and then one or more fragments of a block are allocated. For small files allocation begins with fragments. 3) Minimum free space - It is the percentage of the total disk space held in reserve when we create the file system 4) Optimization type - It is either space or time. When we select space optimization, disk blocks are allocated to minimize fragmentation and optimize disk use. When we select time optimization, disk blocks are allocated as quickly as possible, with less emphasis on their placement. With enough free space, the disk blocks can be allocated effectively with minimal fragmentation. Time is the default 5) Number of inodes and bytes per inode - Number of inodes determine the number of files we can have in the file system because each file has one inode. The number of bytes per inode determines the total number of inodes created when file system is made( total size of the file sytem/number of bytes per inode) SMC Usage Tool solaris GUI Tool SMC Usage Tool is a gUI tool in solaris 10 OS used to display information about currently mounted file system,mount point,disk space allocation,disk space usage,availability.Being a GUI tool we can launch the smc tool from CLI as follows #smc & - This will initiate smc as a background process We can also launch the tool using the following navigation : In left navigation pane select This Computer->Storage Icon->Mount And Shares icon This will prompt us to enter root password. Now select the usage icon. Setting Indirect Map Solaris An autofs file is called a map. Autofs service helps mount and unmount filesystems in client on a dynamic basis. A map can be master map,direct map,indirectmap,special map What is an indirect map? An indirect map lists the mount points as relative path names.To establish a mount point on the client relative path is used. Unix File /etc/hosts.equiv File Security Threat:- One system can login to another system as a remote system using rlogin,ssh etc./etc/hosts.equiv file has entries - list of trusted hosts that are permitted to do remote login into this host. The entries can be hostnams or hostname tab seperated username. When username is specified only that user can access the system. If we specify a + in /etc/hosts.equiv file then all the remote systems are truated and given access which is a security flaw. .rhosts and /etc/hosts.equiv always pose a security threat. So it is a better practice to use ssh(secure shell) Sun Solaris pax (Portable Archive Interchange) Command : Sun Solaris pax (Portable Archive Interchange) Command is used to read and write to the members of the archive file, make a list of the members of an archive file, copy directory hierarchies.Archive formats supported include : 1) cpio 2) tar (extended tar) Syntax : pax mode options -- mode and options are optional parameters mode specifies the mode in which pax command operates. It may be, 1) Read mode (-r) 2) Write Mode (-w) 3) Copy Mode (-rw) 4) Not specified Solaris dfshares command : Sun Solaris (solaris 10) - dfshares command displays information about the shared resources that are available to the host from an NFS server. Syntax : dfshares (servername) We can view the shared file systems on a remote NFS server by using the dfshares command as follows : # dfshares new-server If no server name is specified, all the resources currently being shared on the local host are displayed. We can find information about shared resources in the file /etc/dfs/sharetab . This file contains list of resources currently being shared. Solaris Running a command in a zone: Sun Solaris (Solaris 10) - Running a command in a zone can be performed in an interactive and non -interactive fashion.In interactive emthod, an user assumes a super user role, uses zlogin and executes the command. The user uses exit to quit the session.Commands can be executed in non-interactive fashion as follows : 1) Log in as root user $ su - root 2) Check the hostname # hostname -- lets say O/P be test 3) Log into the zone and run commands in a non -interactive fashion # zlogin testloginzone zonename testloginzone -- O/P 4) Now check the hostname # hostname -- O/P is the same (test) /etc/nsswitch.conf,Co-ordiacting use of Naming Services in Sun Solaris 10:- Sun solaris operating system supports more than one naming service.We can use one or more than one naming service.We may find one naming service to be appropriate for one kind of information and another to be appropriate for another kind of information.To enable the client to get specific network information from the correct naming service, we (system administrator) must maintain "Name Service Switch File". Name Service Switch File -- /etc/nsswitch.conf Each entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf lists a specific type of available information. Information includes : 1) host 2) Password 3) Group It also provides information on source from which this information can be obtained.By looking into this file, a client can retrieve different pieces of needed information from one or more sources.Information about one or more sources can be obtained by one or more entries in the file. Example : Host name from NIS table, password from a local file in the directory /etc Zombie Process,Zombie Process In UNIX/LINUX/Sun Solaris/IBM AIX:- Zombie Process in UNIX/LINUX/Sun Solaris/IBM AIX is recognized by the state Z.It doesn't use CPU resources.It still uses space in the process table.It is a dead process whose parent did not clean up after it and it is still occupying space in the process table. They are defunct processes that are automatically removed when a system reboots.Keeping OS and applications up to date and with latest patches prevents zombie processes.By properly using wait() call in parent process will prevent zombie processes. SIGCHLD is teh signal sent by child to parent upon task completion and parent kills child(proper termination). kill -18 PID - Kills childs process. fssnap Command:- fssnap is a solaris command that is used to perform backup of a file system that is in mount state and in multi-user mode. Usage : fssnap -F ufs -o backing-store='/location' sourcefilesystem(eg:/home/data) The above command creates a backing-store file in the location specified. The backing-store file can also be abbreviated as bs.The command mentioned above creates a virtual device /dev/fssnap/0 (block virtual device).After the above command is executed /dev/rfssnap/0 (raw virtual device) is created. The backing-store file is created in location specified as snapshot0.The backing-store file is a point in time copy of the source file-system.The bs file grows as the activity in source file system grows. As source is copied block-by-block to bs file, the more teh activity on file system, more will be the expansion of backing store file. We can limit the size of the backing-store file as follows: fssnap -F ufs -0 maxsize=value,bs='/location' /sourcefs The command will restrict the size of the backing-store file to value specified above.When there is no room for backing-store file to grow, backup will fail.Information about this can be obtained from /var/adm/messages file.After creating the backing-store file (snapshot0), it can be backed up to tape as follows : ufsdump 0ucf /dev/rmt/0 /dev/fssnap/0 Distributed File Systems,Network-based File Systems,Solaris distributed File system:- Distributed File Systems/ Network-based File Systems are used to store data that can be accessed across systems over a network. The files could be stored on a system called as server, can be accessed from other systems over the network. NFS (Network File System) Version4 (V4) is supported in Solaris 10. It improves security by integrating file access, file locking, mount protocols into a single unified protocol. Checking Users No passwords Solaris:- Checking For users with no passwords is an essential function of system administrator.Now-a-days InfoSec team is vested with the responsibility of formulating documents to determine the security level of an organization, steps needed to achieve the security.We should monitor user logins to ensure that their passwords are secure.A potential problem is for users with blank password ( users with carriage return as password/no password at all). When a account doesn't have a password, we don't get the password prompt. We simply enter the username and we login.It is mandatory to check for users with no passwords. 1) Log in and become superuser/root user $ su - root 2) Use logins command to get details on account without any password. # logins -p Monitoring User Activity Sun Solaris:- Monitoring a user's activity is an essential job role of a system administrator.User's activity can be monitored only by assuming superuser/ root user role. 1) Log in as user and perform a su to become superuser $ su - root 2) Display a user's login status by using the command logins # logins -x -l For monitoring a user by name helen, issue : # logins -x -l helen We obtain information regarding the user as follows : Loginname The UID The primary group to which the user belongs to (This is GID number specified in /etc/passwd entry) The GID The comment field in /etc/passwd (if any) The user's home directory The user's default login shell Password aging information - last date the password was changed, number of days required between changes, number of days allowed before a change is required, warning period. Password aging is an essential standard recommendation from SOX (Sarbanes Oxley) and is mandate. Creating Editing Crontab File Solaris : Sun Solaris (Solaris 9, Solaris 10) - creating and editing a crontab file is a mandatory task of any system administrator who is vested with the job of automating tasks and scheduling the scripts used to automate the operational tasks. 1) We can create or edit the crontab file either as a normal user or as a root user/super user $ su - root 2) Create a new crontab file or edit an existing one by typing the following : # crontab -e 3) Add command lines to the file. Cron jobs don't inherit the user environment such as PATH. so specify the full pathname for commands 4) Save the changes and exit the file. The crontab file is placed in /var/spool/cron/contabs 5) Verify the crontab file by typing the following : # crontab -l We get the response as a list of contents in the crontab file. Solaris NIS (Network Information System): NIS(Network Information System) is used to centralize the management of various configurtion files used in unix system.The NIS server has the following three roles : 1) Master server(primary) 2) Slave server (secondary) 3) Clients Master and slave servers are clients of themselves. Group of machines served by a NIS master form the NIS clients.There can be only one NIS master server. One domain can have only one master server.Any client can belong to only one domain.Changes mae to master server are propogated to slave server.During maintenance and downtime slave servers take the primary role and act as DR(disaster recovery(failover)).Some configuration files that can be centralised include /etc files like : /etc/hostname /etc/passwd /etc/group Centralized files are referred to as maps. Any domain is formed of collection of maps. The maps are the files found under the directory /var/yp/domain-name where, domain-name is the name of the domain in which the server runs. It can be obtained by issuing the following command: $domainname Following files constitute the NIS maps : filename.pag and filename.dir Some examples of NIS maps include hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr Whenever a system boots it first searches for information in /etc files then goes to NIS maps. After we make updation to NIS maps like addind user info, system info, removing entries, modifying entries etc we need to rebuild the maps. For security reasons we maintain system root password in /etc files and not in NIS maps. Give details on boot server in solaris:- Boot server is also called as the startup server. It is from where the client systems access the startup files. This server must be on the local subnet. It is not recommended to install the system across network though it is possible to do so. Boot server is set up to answer RARP requests from clients using the add_install_client command. Performing reconfiguration startup/ (or) Device Autoconfiguration Solaris: Device driver is the piece of software that controls every device connected to the system. Some devices are controlled by multiple device drivers.The Linux OS accesses backup devices such as tapes, storage devices such as disks using device and path names Sun Solaris (Solaris 9, Solaris 10) - Performing a reconfiguration startup/ device autoconfiguration is advantageous over manual configuration method used in earlier versions of UNIX.Manual configuration is a method in which device drivers were manually added to the kernel, the kernel was recompiled, and the system had to be restarted.With autoconfiguration, the administrator simply connects the new device to the system and performs a reconfiguration startup.To perform a reconfiguration startup perform the steps given below : 1) Create the /reconfigure file with the following command : # touch /reconfigure The /reconfigure file causes the solaris software to check for the presence of any newly installed devices the next time we turn on or start up the system. 2) Shutdown the system. If we need to connect the device, turn the power off to the system and all peripherals after Solaris has been properly shutdown. 3) After the new device is connected, restore power to the peripherals first and then to the system. 4) Verify that the peripheral device has been added by attempting access to it. 5) The file /reconfigure automatically gets removed during the bootup process. 6) We can use -r option with the boot command in ok prompt. This is an alternate method. ok> boot -r Give details on solaris devfs filesystem:- The device file systems - devfs manages devices in solaris 10.It is mounted at /devices mount point.The contents of /devices directory is controlled by the devfs and the files in /dev directory are symbolic links to the files in the /devices directory. We can access all the devices through the entry in the /dev directory. The /devices directory contains files only for the currently accesible devices on the system and dynamically represent the current state of these devices .When a driver is loaded and attached to a device instance, a file is created in the /devices directory. A symbolic link is created in the /dev directory and attached to the files in the devices directory. Unused device entries are detached. The devfs improves the system performance because only those device entries that are needed to boot the system are attached. New entries are attached as new devices are accessed.The files under the /devices directory are entirely controlled by devfs file system and we can't change that. /devices namespace can't be unmounted. What is use of /etc/nsswitch.conf in solaris? Solaris operating system supports more than one naming service.We can use one or more than one naming service.We may find one naming service to be appropriate for one kind of information and another to be appropriate for another kind of information. To enable the client to get specific network information from the correct naming service, we (system administrator) must maintain "Name Service Switch File". Name Service Switch File -- /etc/nsswitch.conf Each entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf lists a specific type of available information. Information includes : 1) host 2) Password 3) Group It also provides information on source from which this information can be obtained. By looking into this file, a client can retrieve different pieces of needed information from one or more sources. Information about one or more sources can be obtained by one or more entries in the file. Example : Host name from NIS table, password from a local file in the directory /etc Give details on some solaris obp commands :- OBP(Open Boot PROM) commands are set of commands issued at commnd-line interface when system starts. Also referred to as OBP commands that determine the system statistics, hardware configration and many more internal details about the system. The command-line interface is called as FROTH which will normally be as given below: ok> This prompt is also called as boot prompt. When we want to boot the system,we can issue : ok> boot If we want to boot from OS media we can use: ok> boot disk ok>boot cdrom The system diagnostic information can be obtained by issuing : ok>printenv Command used to set values to various variables(environment variables) when the system enters run levels is: $env - lists the variable values To modify variable values we use: ok>setenv - sets the value of the variables ok>unsetenv - unsets the value How can you make use of Solaris Facebook Group from oracle to learn oracle solaris? Oracle Solaris Facebook Group is an interesting group that publishes up-to-date information on Oracle Database, Solaris OS. When I tracked the links in this group I found that it is directly published from Oracle Websites. If you are interested in Learning more on up-to-date events relating to Oracle and Solaris it is a good knowledge base. As per a recent interview by Larry Elson, Oracle CEO it clearly appears that Oracle is slowly becoming a system company rather than a database company. A system is meant to cover all aspects of an orgaization including infrastructure, development, accounting etc to name a few This uptodate interesting news on Oracle and Solaris is a boon for oracle fanatic. Become a member of this Oracle Solaris Certified Professional Facebook Group today Solaris Studio Compiler Tools from oracle: Ever since Oracle Corporation acquired Sun Microsystems it has been continuously renaming Oracle products and selling it under their new brand name. Sun Studio compiler has been rebranded as Oracle Solaris Studio Compiler and its associated tools. This tool set is available for download from Oracle website. Try it today How to Install 64 bit JDK Solaris SPARC? SPARC is a popular Sun Solaris architecture. Many Oracle products are based on Java and hence require JDK (Java Development Kit) to be installed to support them. Here is the procedure on installing 64 bit JDK in Solaris SPARC 1) Download JDK from the sun website 2) Copy the downloaded files to /tmp. Connect to server from local desktop by using telnet, FTP and such clients. Transfer file to /tmp 3) Create a new directory and change to that location mkdir /usr/java/version cd /usr/java/version In place of version it should be numerical values like 1.5 etc 4) Install JDK from /tmp /tmp/ 5) Check for successful JDK installation cd /usr/bin/version/bin ./java -d64 -version How to Automatically Mount CD-ROM in solaris env? In Solaris Using Volume Manager To automatically mount a CD-ROM can be performed as follows : 1) Insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM player 2) Type the mount command without options to verify that the device was mounted. Note the mount point that was used 3) Eject the CD-ROM as follows : # eject cdrom 4) Use the pgrep command to look for the volume manager process. The volume manager process is vold. # pgrep -l vold 5) Turn off the volume manager by typing the following command : # /etc/init.d/volmgt stop 6) Look for volume management process using pgrep command as follows : # pgrep -l vold 7) Insert the CD into the CD-ROM player. 8) Restart the volume manager daemon by issuing the following command : # /etc/init.d/volmgt start 9) To get the list of mounted file systems issue the mount command without any options Give details on Name Service Cache Daemon nscd in Solaris :- Solaris Name Service Cache Daemon (nscd) is a daemon that runs on a solaris systema and provides a caching mechanism for the most common name service requests.It is started automatically when the system boots to a multi-user state nscd provides caching for the following name service databases : 1) passwd 2) group 3) hosts 4) ipnodes 5) exec_attr 6) prof_attr 7) user_attr nscd is running all the time as a daemon, and hence any nscd command that is entered is passed to the already running daemon.The nscd behaviour is managed by a configuration file /etc/nscd.conf This file lists a number of tunable parameters for each of the supported databases. List of supported databases is given above. Syntax : nscd [-f configuration-file] [-g] [-e cachename, yesno] [-i cachename] where, -f configuration-file - nscd reads the configuration data from the file specified -g - display current configuration and statistical data. This is the only option that can be run by a non-privileged user -e cachename, yesno - enable/disable specified cache -i cachename - invalidates the specified cache The nscd daemon must be stopped and restarted whenever change is made to name service switch file /etc/nsswitch.conf nscd stop and start is managed by SMF (Service Management Facility). IT is as follows : # svcadm restart system/name-service-cache The SMF is a new feature in solaris 10 How will you allow (or) disallow access file permissions in solaris ? In sun solaris Allow/disallow access (file permissions) is based on the UNIX permission that we grant to files and directories.Let us consider a user dummy1 1) Login as user dummy1 2) Determine the current umask value by issuing the umask command : $ umask If the umask is not 002, change it by entering the following $ umask 002 3) In the home directory create a file called file123 $ cd $HOME $ touch file123 4) To get information on the default permission of file file123, use the ls -l command : $ ls -l 5) Now set umask to 022 $ umask 022 6) Create a new file and look at the default permission value : $ touch newfile $ ls -l 7) Now create a new user called as dummy2 : # useradd -u 2003 -g 23 -d /export/home/dummy2 -m -s /bin/ksh -c "dummy" dummy2 Give details on ssh utility in solaris and like linux systems :- ssh (Secure Shell) Utility securely executes commands on a remote system. Syntax : ssh [option] [user@]host [command-line] where, host - system that we want to loginor run a command on Various options are given below. -f - Not foreground. Sends ssh to the background after asking for a password and before executing command-line. -l user - Attempts to log in as a user.This option is equivalent to using user@ on the command-line. -n - null.Redirects standard input to ssh to come from /dev/null -p port - connects to the port "port" on the remote host -q(quiet) - suppresses warnings and diagnostic messages -t(tty) - allocates a pseudo-tty to the ssh process on the remote system.Without this option,when we run a command on the remote system,ssh does not allocate a tty(terminal) to the process.Instead ssh attaches standard input and standard output of the remote process to the ssh session . -v(verbose) - Displays debugging messages about the connection and transfer. -x(X11) - Turns Off X11 forwarding -X(X11) - turns on X11 forwarding. X11 forwarding may be turned on in the configuration file. What is Openssh? Using public-key encryption ,OpenSSH provides two levels of authentication:Server and client/user. First,the client(ssh or scp) verifies that it is connected to the correct server and OpenSSH encrypts communication between the client and server.Second,once a secure,encrypted connection has been established,Open SSH confirms that the user is authorised to log in on or copy files from/to the server. Once the system and user have been verified,OpenSSH allows different servics to passthrough the connection.These services include interactive shell session(ssh),remote command execution(ssh and scp),X11 client/server connections,and TCP/IP port tunneling. What happens when we connect to server initially? When we connect to the Openssh server for the first time,the OpenSSh client prompts us to confirm that we have connected to the correct system.This checking can help prevent a person-in-the-middle attack.RSA key Finger print message is displayed and prompts us to allo/deny further proceeding. When we type yes and press enter, the client appends the server's public host key to the user's ~/.ssh/known_hosts file on the local system,creating the ~/.ssh directory if necessary.So that it can keep track of which line in known_hosts applies to which server,OpenSSH prepends the name of the server and the server's IP address to the line.Subsequently when we use OpenSSH to connect to that server,the client verifies that it is connected to the correct server by comparing this key to the one supplied by the server. How will you tune file system in solaris? In solaris tuning the file system involves the following steps.  File system is created with newfs command. 1) Log in as normal user and perform an su to become root user/super user. It's a security measure practised in many companies. SOX (Sarbanes Oxley) standard recommends this practice. 2) List all the parameters currently in use on the file system using the newfs command with -v option. # newfs -v raw-device-name 3) Open another window. Use the information obtained in step 2. In the new window type the tunefs command. Use tht tunefs command with -m option to change the minfree value to 5%. # tunefs -m3 raw-device-name - changes the minfree values of file system to 5% 4) Verify the new file-system parameters using the mkfs command # mkfs -m raw-device-name The list of values displayed are compared against parameters displayed in the other window. 5) View the file system parameters using fstyp command as follows : # fstyp -v raw-device-name What is the role played by kernel in linux environment and what are its advantages ? Kernel has the following roles : 1) Process management - Process management is a important task of kernel.The kernel is in charge of creating and destroying processes and handling their connection to the outside world.The connection includes both input and output connections. Communication among different processes is also handled by kernel. This includes communication through signals, pipes, interprocess communication primitives).Scheduler is a part of process management.Kernels process management activity implements the abstraction on top of a single CPU. 2) Memory management - Memory is the critical resource in a system. It is critical one for system performance.The kernel builds up a virtual addressing space for any and all processes on the top of the available resources.In general available resources are limited.The different parts of the kernel interact with the memory management subsystem through a set of function calls.The function calls can be simple malloc/free pair to much more sophisticated functionalities. 3) Filesystems 4) Device control 5) Networking Give details on Solaris Volume Manager State Databases:- Solaris volume manager manages state databases and logical volumes. Creating state databases is one of the many management tasks that can be performed by using SVM.We can use SVM GUI or use the command "metadb" command to create, delete, check the status of the state database.The default size of the state database replica in SVM is 8192 blocks (4MB), whereas default size in solstice disk suite is 1034 blocks. Syntax : metadb action options component component - used to specify the component that holds the replica Action can be one of the following : -a - add a database replica. When no database replica exists -f option can be used -d - deletes all replica located in the specified slice and update the /kernel/drv/md.conf and /etc/lvm/ files -f - Use with -a to create the database when no replica exists -i - inquire about the status of the replica options can take the following values : -c number - specifies the number of replicas to be added to a specified component (component). Default is 1 -l replicalength - specifies the size in blocks of the replica that is to be created. The default is 8192. metadb command can be used to create and delete state databases.