Role of bigdata Predictive Analysis In Healthcare

 Healthcare the domain often considered evergreen has tremendous amount of data and will generate more data as population keeps growing day by day. Information often gets generated in unstructured format in form of clinical notes, radiology records, PACS reports, images, genetic reports etc. As a result the need to store healthcare data in form of big data in NoSQL databases becomes inevitable.

How does predictive analysis play role in healthcare?
Prediction is no different than diagnosing a health condition. Predictive analysis is the process to determine the pattern among the existing information that provides more insight on possible chronic health conditions. One such example is prediction of heart disease by analyzing the current range of a certain compound in blood results.
What is essential to find new job opportunities in this domain?
Basic knowledge of IT
Healthcare domain terminologies like ehr,pacs, dicom to name a few
NoSQL databases that support big data. One such example is mongodb
Hadoop framework