Paperfile to bigdata cluster data evolution

Evolution is the constant thing. This applies even to data science. Before few years we would have been organizing and maintaining papers in files.This has slowly progressed to copying data onto floppy disk. Then comes CD-rom era. Eventually the databases came into existence. In the beginning databases like foxbase was gaining real popularity. Ever since the release of relational databases starting with IBM DB2, Oracle RDBMS, SQL Server from microsoft to name a few storing, organizing, management of information has become piece of cake Database is a popular term among IT professional and even a common man wants to know what a database is. What is a Database? It is the base that supports the data. Base is the software that helps in storing, retrieving, managing, maintaining the data/information.A database is the software used to store, manage, retrieve and destroy the information. In simple terms information is the data What is a data? A data is the detail or information about something. Say title of this book is a data. Number of chapters is a data. Collection of books into a single category can be considered data. Give some popular databases in industry? IBM the pioneer in databases have their properitory IBM DB2 databases Oracle corporation the market leader in databases own the oracle database Mysql a popular database among web community is owned by Sun microsystems which is recently acquired by Oracle corporation SimpleDB the popular cloud database from Amazon supports Amazon web services cloud applications MomgoDB is a popular database What are the types of databases? Based on architecture databases are broadly categorized as follows : 1) Non relational databases 2) Relational databases - Based on relationships (one to one, many to many, one to many - traditional set theory relation) 3) Object oriented databases- Databases supporting object oriented programming are broadly categorized as object oriented databases 4) Hybrid databases 5) No SQL databases 6) Flat file - Say notepad, word is also a database 7) Hierarchial databases Give some popular databases in existence? Many flavours are in existence. Some popularly used databases include 1) Oracle from Oracle corporation 2) SQL Server from Microsoft corporation 3) Postgres 4) Mysql from Oracle (formerly open source then Sun) 4) Cassandra database 5) Vertica Database from HP 6) Teradata 7) DB2 from IBM What are all the professions associated with database? In IT all the professions starting from data entry to CTO needs to have good grep on databases 1) Data entry operator should know the interface used to enter data. Once he presses save and makes sure the data is stored properly and is retrievable he makes sure DB does job of storage and retrieval 2) DBA the professional associated with database administration takes care of database design, object creation, backup, restore, recovery, and most importantly performance tuning 3) Database programmer who does job of coding the backend database 4) CTO who needs to have information architecture grep of database Now the science behind information has taken a dive ever since advent of professional network sites, social networking sites. Today's business has gained its intelligence to analyse the information usage pattern by users. This involves collection, processing of even simple user clicks. Such data often popular for its volume, velocity, veracity (3V) is the Bigdata. Current data science is evolving to cater the big data needs of businesses. It would be brilliant to learn bigdata and evolve with current technology trend Healthcare insurance companies invest plenty of amount in servicing clients, customers by processing claims, resolving disputes. In addition to all these major cost involved is the customer service. BPO call centres operated by insurance players attract big customer calls that are routed as simple feeds and have become big data. They are no longer supported in relational systems and need NoSQL databases like MongoDB Datastax the organization that deals with humongous data that utilizes nosql database technology Apache Cassandra has raised $106 million in venture capital funding. Following raise of capital by MongoDB that accounts to approximately $231 million, couchbase databases upto $100 million and many such nosql database players growing lightning fast market projection of NoSQL databases is about 3.4billion in 2020. This has increased by about $2.4 billion as compared to last year So, what is the road map on which DataStax travels? The prime motto behind this fund raising is to takeover its competitors including Oracle and microsoft that are market leaders in database space for more than a decade. This is an evidence of fastest growing NoSQL market that offers close to 100% high availability utilizing replication technology. Start learning datastax enterprise database or mongoDB to keep abreast of market with your NoSQL skills.