FRM AIM: Describe the mechanism of delivery process and contrast with cash settlement

FRM AIM: Describe the mechanism of delivery process and contrast with cash settlement Delivery Refers to closing out f contract where the trader who has short position in the contracts sells the agreed upon asset and the trader who has the long position in the contract buys the asset For cash settlement delivery is not an option and position marked to market based on price on the last settlement price Delivery can take on the floor of the exchange and also away from the clearinghouse where the two parties contact privately and close out the deal. After the trade is closed out the parties have to inform the clearinghouse about the transaction As an aspiring financial candidate it becomes mandatory to have an overview of different career options available in financial sector particularly investment banking and related arena before choosing a financial certification. As a measure to bridge this gap will be presenting interesting articles on different financial career options. Here is the simple chart from CSI that talks about much of these Relate Significant market events of the past several decades to the growth of risk management industry I : Several significant events have occurred in the past that has affected the common man, financial institutions and business that has led to huge financial loses. Some of the significant events in the past are as follows: Black Monday of 1987 that saw a sharp decline in U.S stock price for a single day Asian equity markets decimation of 1997 Russian default of 1998 2001 September world trade attack Sub mortgage crisis that started on 2007 and whose impact is felt even today These events remind us that it is even more important to use financial risk management policies and practices to insulate ourselves from future financial losses. Calculate an arbitrage payoff and describe how arbitrage opportunities are ephemeral (i.e., short lived):
Arbitrage is a kind of hedging technique used in investment management.
In general simultaneous selling and buying of stocks to offset losses is referred to as arbitrage. sometimes it helps us achieve profit with less risk.
FRM AIM: Calculate an arbitrage payoff and describe how arbitrage opportunities are ephemeral (i.e., short lived) Speculators
  • Take positions in the market to profit from the positions
  • There might be large gain/loss when speculators use futures as a hedge against the underlying securitys
  • The maximum loss when speculators use options as hedging strategy is limited to the cost of the option itself
  • Use derivatives to earn risk free profit in excess of risk free rate by manipulation of mispriced securities
  • Riskless profit is earned by entering into equivalent and offsetting positions in markets
  • Opportunities do not last long since supply and demand will quickly eliminate the arbitrage situation
Risk from Derivatives FRM AIM: Describe some of the risks that can arise from the (mis) use of derivatives
  • Traders use to speculative instead of hedging the derivatives (Operational Risk)
  • Loses suffered using hedging, speculation, arbitrage is high
  • Control mechanism needed to monitor risk that arises out of hedging, speculation, arbitrage opportunities
FRM AIM Define:
  1. Derivatives
  2. Market Maker
  3. Spot, Forward, Future contract
  4. Call, Put option
  5. American, European option
  6. Long, Short position
  7. Exercise (strike) price
  8. Expiration(Maturity) date
  9. Bid, Offer price
  10. Bid-Offer spread
  11. Hedgers, Speculators, Arbitrageurs
  • Derives its value from underlying security value
  • Ex: Options, Forward, futures contract
Market Maker
  • Individual who acts as a middleman between exchange and end user
  • Buys and sells security
  • Charges fees based on the services offered
Spot Contract
  • Agreement to buy/sell asset today
  • No legal binding agreement in the contract
Forward Contract
  • Contract to buy/sell asset at a predetermined prices and at predetermined date in the future
  • No legally binding agreement in the contract
Future Contract
  • Legally binding agreement to buy/sell asset at a predetermined price at a predetermined date in the future
  • Ex: Buy/Sell of commodities in the future like jet fuel
Call Option
  • Buy a specified number of shares of an underlying security on/or before the expiration date at a given strike price
  • Used for hedging, speculative, arbitrage purposes
Put Option
  • Sell a specified number of shares of an underlying security on/or before the expiration date at a given strike price
  • Used for hedging, speculative, arbitrage purposes
American Styled Option
  • Similar to call/put option except that the option can be exercised anytime between issue date and expiration date
  • Valuable at times when right to exercise early will bring in profit
European Styled Option
  • Similar to call/put option except that the option can be exercised only at expiration date
  • Valuable when right to exercise early doesn’t bring in any profit
Long Position
  • Individual who has long positions owns/buys the security in the near future
  • Investor who owns long position anticipates increase in the value of the security in the near future
Short Position
  • Individual who has short positions sells the security in the near future
  • Investor who owns short position anticipates decrease in the value of the security in the near future
Strike Price
  • Price at which the underlying security may be bought/sold
Expiration Date
  • Date at which the option may be exercised (bought/sold)
Bid/Quoted price
  • Price at which the buyer is willing to pay for the security
  Offer/Asking price
  • Price at which the seller is willing to sell the security
Bid-Ask Spread = Asking Price – Bid Price  Hedgers
  • Use forward, futures, option to reduce their risk of the financial security that they have
  • Usage of forward contracts, the hedgers neutralizes risk by paying the price of the underlying security
  • Usage of options is used as an insurance policy
Arbitrageurs Take offsetting positions in financial markets to lock in a risk less profit FRM AIM: Define and Describe key features of futures contract Futures Contract
  • Highly standardized contract specified by exchange
  • The person who buys/sells futures contract is obligated to buy/sell the assets at agreed upon time and at agreed upon price
  • Futures contract is used by speculators who take advantage of price fluctuations of the underlying asset to get a profit
  • Futures contract is used by hedgers to reduce the risk of the underlying asset
Characteristics of Futures Contract
  • Price quotation
  • Contract Size
  • Quality of asset
  • Delivery Time
  • Delivery Location
  • Position Limits
  • Daily Price Limits
FRM AIM: Describe the over the counter market and how it differs from trading on an exchange, including advantages and disadvantages : FRM AIM: Describe the over the counter market and how it differs from trading on an exchange, including advantages and disadvantages
Properties Over the Counter Market Traditional Exchange
Definition Uses telephone and computers to make trade Uses shouting and hand signals to make trade
Size Bigger than traditional exchange Smaller than OTC market
Terms of contract Not specified by exchange Specified by exchange
Can participant negotiate contract Yes No
Any type of risk involved Credit Risk No Credit Risk
How issues are resolved Calls are recorded during transactions which serves as a reference in any disputes   Issues are resolved based on contractual terms agreed during trading
FRM AIM: Describe, contrast and calculate the payoffs from hedging strategies involving forward contracts and options : FRM AIM: Describe, contrast and calculate the payoffs from hedging strategies involving forward contracts and options 
Properties Forward Contracts Options
Purpose Eliminate or reduce financial exposure Eliminate or reduce financial exposure
Investor with Long exposure to asset Hedge the exposure by entering into short futures contract Hedge the exposure by buying a put option
Investor with Short exposure to asset Hedge the exposure by entering into long futures contract Hedge the exposure by buying a call option
Advantages No initial investment in executing these contracts Initial premium to purchase options
Disadvantages Hedgers give up price movements that has a positive effect in event the position is left un hedged The price movement that has a positive effect on the options is used by the hedgers to earn a profit