Engagement Scientist Career an Overview

Over the past few years data and importance of data is gaining real great popularity. This doesn't stop here. Data has emerged and evolved as bigdata. Type of data can be structured, unstructured , rate at which this gets generated can be predictable, un-predictable, so fast, so slow, volume of data can be big, very big to name a few.All these eventually lead to brand new Data science and bigdata technology career. Marketing is understanding the trend, devising strategy to sell the product. With advent of digital media campaign has gone digital. Brands used to advertise in TV channels and have eventually started harnessing the power of internet the latest trend.With number of internet users growing on day to day basis, shopping has gone online and purchase trend has become trackable using online tools. These tools popularly called web analytics tools are extensively used my marketing teams, particularly digital marketing managers to strategize their digital campaigns. This can come in many different forms including 1) A/B split testing the advertisements on brand 2) Content Media marketing by creating relevant quality content and publishing them in blog, magazine, newspaper, online media, PR networks. Adapting best SEO practice to make content relevant, rank better online 3) SEM campaign called search engine marketing campaign utilizing PPC click ads in google, facebook, linkedin and relevant media 4) Email Marketing Campaign - This involves segmenting buyers, sending emails on promotions, coupouns and such online offers on frequent basis. Some basic examples include emails we get from Dunkin Donut, Papa Johns Pizza,Dominos Pizza on regular basis with details on deals, offers, new product launches, offer on new products to name a few. As a followup on this email opens, clicks are trackes and recorded in email marketing software. For startups, small businesses software like mailchimp, aweber is being used 5) Call To Action - When I talk about this I simply think of button in facebook page. However, this is simply placing enticing button in relevant website, blogs, email that will entice customers to navigate to landing page, encourage them to sign-up on offers and can become future buyers. This is part of content marketing or email marketing 6) Social Media Marketing - Considered a milestone of this century social media is really relevant wherein customer relationship starts with simple Facebook Business Page, Linkedin Company Page, Interactive Twitter Account to name a few. If you love to spend hours on social media you have a potential career in social media as this marketing is very important for building and maintaining brand reputation Now what is engagement science? Bigdata analysts who are in the capacity of Data Scientists are expected to build statistical models based on data from feeds Digital Marketing Managers focus on building brands Engagement Scientists /Engineers - Data Scientists+ Digital Media Marketing Managers. They are knowledgable in statistics, have capacity to build models from data as well as relate this to marketing campaign reports. This is predictive analysis based on marketing results as opposed to raw data What should I do to find job as Engagement Scientist? If you are a data scientist start learning digital media marketing. If you are a digital media marketing personnel start learning basics of statistics, models, bigdata concepts, technologies Why is this considered a lucrative career option? This is a career that is under consideration and will be in demand in coming days. If you are equipped to fit into future role you can demand your salary. Hence, this is a lucrative career option you can count on