Interested in making money online? Have you started your own blog?Started putting adsense code in your blog?What is your income? Are you happy with your income? Can you quit your full-time job?
All of us will be interested in spending a whole lot of time with our loved ones. We all want to be a successful blogger.So, what are the essential traits of a successful blogger?
1) Persistence - Constant , continuous hard-work is all it needs ot be successful. People work hard for say 1 month, 10 months, 1 year, 2 years...Adsense income
might be from $200-$300...They quit....This is a big mistake...There have been cases where the traffic might be good say around 2000 to 3000 users a day, but the adsense income might not be great...So, be persistent with what ever you do.
2) Consistent with whatever we do - say you're blogging a niche for 1 year an now you're fed up and planning to migrate to a different niche? Is it right? some SEO(Search Engine Optimization) experts say that there might be a hit in traffic
and change in search engine ranking...This might affect your revenue.....So be consistent an belive that you'll win.....
3) Content is the king - As recommended in previous posts - keep posting atleast one quality article per day, or atleast 4 quality articles per week. Content is the king. Search engines are optimized to pick an place content rich sites in th top rank.
4) Attitude - Major key behind success. Have the attitude to workhard and success will surely follow...Develop a positive attitude towards your potential...
5) Keep reading success stories - As discussed earlier, self-motivation is the key....Keep reading success stories of top earning bloggers and stay tuned in the rat race..
All of us will be interested in spending a whole lot of time with our loved ones. We all want to be a successful blogger.So, what are the essential traits of a successful blogger?
1) Persistence - Constant , continuous hard-work is all it needs ot be successful. People work hard for say 1 month, 10 months, 1 year, 2 years...Adsense income
might be from $200-$300...They quit....This is a big mistake...There have been cases where the traffic might be good say around 2000 to 3000 users a day, but the adsense income might not be great...So, be persistent with what ever you do.
2) Consistent with whatever we do - say you're blogging a niche for 1 year an now you're fed up and planning to migrate to a different niche? Is it right? some SEO(Search Engine Optimization) experts say that there might be a hit in traffic
and change in search engine ranking...This might affect your revenue.....So be consistent an belive that you'll win.....
3) Content is the king - As recommended in previous posts - keep posting atleast one quality article per day, or atleast 4 quality articles per week. Content is the king. Search engines are optimized to pick an place content rich sites in th top rank.
4) Attitude - Major key behind success. Have the attitude to workhard and success will surely follow...Develop a positive attitude towards your potential...
5) Keep reading success stories - As discussed earlier, self-motivation is the key....Keep reading success stories of top earning bloggers and stay tuned in the rat race..