Second House In Horoscope

Horoscope (or) birth chart is the blue print of a person's life. A horoscope is formed of twelve houses. The second house is called as dhana sthanam, vakku sthanam, kudumbha sthanam which determines one's life, communication skill, father, family, wealth, position etc. Some of the major benefits of second house are as follows :
1) Lord of second house when placed in 9th house, 11th house makes the person a millionaire
2) If the lord of 9th house is in 2nd house, lord of 2nd house and 11th house exchange their position, the persion is a billionaire
3) Lord of second house determines the communication skill

4) If lord of second house is in a Kendram (1,4,7,10), Trikonam (1,5,9) , is in a friends house, exaltation, this makes the person achieve whatever he wants out of his great communication skill