As a blogger our first concern would be website design. Plenty of factors are considered starting from page layout , colour combination (title, text, links, sidebar etc). Now we'll be seeing best possible layouts.
I happened to read an article which claims that the author is going to suggest me best layout. I visited his website. On seeing his sites web design I picked few points on layout and applied for my site. It did work good. Layout is not only important in terms of adsense conversion but also in terms of increasing the users average visit length. Following are the factors to be considered while designing layout :
1) Always our eyeball moves from left to right
2) Left sidebar works the best. It can be 200px wide
3) Main wrapper of width 900px works the best
4) Leader board advertisement on top of post title will have the best conversion as it displays the highest converting ads
5) If we place sidebar in left side, place a rectangular ad unit on left side below post title (like my site)