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Astrology jobs Interview Preparation
Astrology the mystic science though unproven has found importance in life of many individuals. As a result astro services hire astrologers to support their services online and through in-person appointments. We provide comprehensive list of interview questions to help astrologer hiring firms as well as astrologers looking for job full-time (or) part-time. Learn astrology easy and fast friends
1) Which is the coolest planet? What is the major significance of this planet with respect to one's horoscope?
Planet Moon popularly called by name chandran, chandra, chand and lots more has more to do with the life of one's mother as moon is often associated with moon in one's horoscope, mind of a person as moon is closest to earth and has reater impact on state of mind of a person, wealth of an individual as moon is often associated with business, luxury,enjoyment,happiness, shrewdness alertness of a person, character of a person in terms of love affection emotion and what not all best things. Moon/chandran is popularly called as mathrukaragan meaning a planet whose association starts from mother's umblical cord
2) Which god is relevant to planet moon?
Gods relevant to moon worship are devi parasakthi the wife of lord paramashiva and it is interesting to note that a person with moon properly supported by saturn or moon supported by mars, moon given best benefits by venus will enjoy best luxurious life during the moon dasa bukthi antharam period.
Lord Sri venkateswara(tirupathi lord) balaji also often termed as lord of wealth is considered to rule moon as per some texts, vigneshwara/lord ganapathi. Moon determines the kind of clothing a person will be interested in like silk, cotton (luxury or simple dressing style).Parts of the body ruled by the planet moon are left eye, eyebrows, mind of a person.If moon is ill-placed in a persons horoscope, the person will be a poor decision maker, full of wavering mind, will have little to no confidence and lots of bad effects. For leo lagna is moon is posited in 6th house or 12th house this bestows best benefits
3) What is amalayogam?
Amala also called amal means moon. Moon is always meant to be most beautiful, cold minded, very lovable, most benefic planet often found to bestow best luxuries, enjoyments, benefits etc. As such Amalayogam conferred by moon naturally happens when planets that are considered natural benefics namely jupiter, mercury, venus are posited in 10th house from lagna (or) ascendant. The 10th house from ascendant or lagna the first house is called as indhu lagna/indhu ascendant. Indhu in general means moon.Also, these planets placed in 10th house should not be tainted. It can also happen when benefic planets are posited in 10th house form indhu lagnam. Indu means moon. When any one of these are posited in 10th house form moon amalayogam occurs in natives horoscope.
4) What do I get out of amalayogam?
Amalayogam also called amalayoga confers the following best benefits. A person with Amala Yogam in his horoscope will have :
1) Long lasting fame and reputation
2) He will have a pure heart
3) He will lead a happy and prosperous life
All best things happen to a person with moon in best position often suklapaksha also called waning moon that is not tainted
5) What causes adhi yogam in one's horoscope?
Adhi as the name signifies is a rajayogam based on best benefic planet moon. Adhi yoga is formed whenever there is a benefic in 6th, 7th and 8th house from moon. This is again a raja yogam based on moon. A person with adhi yogam in his horoscope will have the following characteristics and effects :
1) He is polite and trustworthy as the yogam is formed by benefic planets like jupiter, moon in good shape, mercury, venus etc
2) Will have an enjoyable and happy life
3) Will have life like a king - full of luxuries and happiness
4) Will have success over his enemies
5) Will have a long life
As a summary a person with adhi yogam will have long, hale and healthy life. Will be rich and powerful (no enemies)
6) What is sasa yogam? How is it formed?
Saturn the planet is always known for its wicked nature. Saturn though a malefic planet gives rise to this powerful sasa yogam. We know that 1,4,7,10 houses represent kendra/kendram and in general case when a planet is placed in kendram it is called kendratipatya dosha which is not a great place to be in. When saturn occupies a kendram and it happens to be his own houses (Makaram(capricorn), Kumbham(aquarius)), exaltation sign (libra) sasa yogam is formed. If saturn is posited in swati the exaltation star ruled by planet rahu for ascendant like libra though this is 1st house the lagna this forms sasa yoga and makes it a benefic in this case. A person with sasa yogam in his horoscope will have the following effects :
1) He will have good servants. Saturn is a planet related to servants and proper positioning yields great results
2) He will be the head of his place (village/town) as saturn to some extent is associated with administrative power owing to its hardworking nature in addition to planet jupiter
3) He has a character similar to that of saturn (questionable character)
4) He will acquire others wealth by his wicked nature as saturn is often associated with crooked ways to make money in many cases as is the case with rahu
7) What are the best dasa different ascendants?
For any horoscope there are certain dasas that are considered most favorable. A well known personality rajinikanth had best results during jupiter dasa and his ascendant happens to be leo, jayalalithaa had best results during rahu dasa and her ascendant happens to be gemini called mithuna lagnam. Lets consider different ascendants and see which planetary dasa will be fruitful in achieving their lifetime benefits
Aries ascendant - This is the first rasi in zodiac ruled by planet mars. Mars happens to be the lord of first and eight house in zodiac as well as this lagnam hence not much beneficial. Jupiter happens to be lord of nineth house and twelfth house. Hence, this gives average results considering its 12th house issues. Lord of 10th house, 11th house saturn will give best results when posited in 6th house. Venus is neutral. Rahu the planet ruling 11th house will bestow best results when placed in 6th house. IF rahu is posited in 9th house the person will make lot of money in illegal means. Rahu in 5th house when positioned in pooram star bestows better results though not the best
Taurus also called Vrishabha lagna - Taurus ascendant is ruled by planet venus. In general mercury dasa serves as the best period in life of a person born in taurus ascendant. Saturn is also found to bring best results. MErcury in 5th house, 9th house, 10th house particularly when placed in moon stars like hastha, shravana will bring about best results. Mercury in sathabisha star in kumbha rasi will make a person millionaire out of business. They make ton lot of money in travel business
Gemini lagnam - Also called mithuna lagna will get best results only in rahu dasa. Dasa of moon will give them financial benefits but will not guarantee best peace of mind
Cancer - Mars loves to help moon all the time. Dasa period of mars is found to bring them best results
Leo Lagna - Jupiter is the best dasa particularly jupiter when placed in kumbha the seventh house bestows best results. One living example is living legendary actor rajinikanth. Mars is often considered best and when placed in ascendant or lagna leo mars bestows great results. Note that mars is ruler of 4th and 9th house for leo ascendant. Hence even if mars is in 6th house, it is typically exalted making it the best benefactor with great lands and real estate benefits
Virgo also called kanni ascendant - Venus is the best planet that brings them best results. Legendary actor former CM MGR, actor vijay in tamil are all born in virgo ascendant. Venus is the lord of second and nineth house making it the best benefactor that bestows results when posited in best houses like 9th house, 12th house. One exception on this happens to be venus in 5th house. Though venus in 5th house is often considered best in this case the makara has dhanishta star 3 padams the biggest enemy of mercury hence not making it often beneficial. If venus in 5th house maka also called aquarius is placed in shravanam star ruled by moon this offers best benefits after marriage and children are born
Libra the thulam lagna - Saturn offers them very best results and when placed in libra makes them king. One good example is telugu megastar actor chiranjeevi. MErcury the lord of 9th and 12th houses is often found to ebstow benefits even though mercury is placed in 12th house
Scorpio - Planet jupiter offers them best results
Sagittarius - Period of moon, mars, saturn are found to be favorable. However, rahu is found to bring best luck One good example is shri dhirubhai ambani
Capricorn - Rahu dasa brings them best results. Rahu when placed in virgo bestows them best results
Aquarius - Jupiter offers them luck, venus when placed in 9th house brings in good luck and best results
Meena - Pisces has average married life, will get better luck from planet mars