Good quality post is what google needs today. Internet marketing is $0 marketing that is made possible ever since google has come into existence. If you are capable of positioning your business website in front page of google you are the king in your business. One of the strategies to be adopted will be to write a good quality post
In this we are going to talk about creating a good quality post in phases. What does that really mean?
Lets keep it simple. I wanted to create a post but couldn't focus beyond 1 minute. Here is what I can accomplish within 1 minute - Choosing target keyword, post title, one line (or) may be two lines on this topic chosen. With this can I quit?
the best thing would be to save this as a draft.
Say you choose to watch some movies, eat something interesting, prepare lunch, go for a walk and get back home. Now the blogging bug bites again. Re-visit the draft try to add more content
Keep on doing this as long as you make sure that the content is good enough to be published
After publishing if you read new information on the topic you have blogged before, go ahead update the post with latest relevant information
If you have 10 good posts with good quality content you will overtake your competitor who has 100 posts with low quality content
As I've been talking about always good quality content rules. So, add as far as you could , make it big, really informative and search engine naturally becomes your friend
In a wordpress blogging platform by default posts are saved as drafts once in 60 seconds. As a performance optimization this can be modified in wp-config.php file. Lets talk about simple wordpress SEO tips in forthcoming post
In this we are going to talk about creating a good quality post in phases. What does that really mean?
Lets keep it simple. I wanted to create a post but couldn't focus beyond 1 minute. Here is what I can accomplish within 1 minute - Choosing target keyword, post title, one line (or) may be two lines on this topic chosen. With this can I quit?
the best thing would be to save this as a draft.
Say you choose to watch some movies, eat something interesting, prepare lunch, go for a walk and get back home. Now the blogging bug bites again. Re-visit the draft try to add more content
Keep on doing this as long as you make sure that the content is good enough to be published
After publishing if you read new information on the topic you have blogged before, go ahead update the post with latest relevant information
If you have 10 good posts with good quality content you will overtake your competitor who has 100 posts with low quality content
As I've been talking about always good quality content rules. So, add as far as you could , make it big, really informative and search engine naturally becomes your friend
In a wordpress blogging platform by default posts are saved as drafts once in 60 seconds. As a performance optimization this can be modified in wp-config.php file. Lets talk about simple wordpress SEO tips in forthcoming post