Siebel File System:
The Siebel File System is a shared directory, or a set of directories on different devices, which is network-accessible to all Siebel Servers in the Siebel Enterprise Server.It contains the physical files used by the Siebel clients and Siebel Servers.We can create each File System directory on a server machine where you have
installed a Siebel Server, or on another network server that can share the directory, so that the File System directories are available to the Siebel Server.
How does a siebel client gain access to the siebel file system?
To gain access to files, Web clients connect to the appropriate Siebel Server to request file uploads or downloads. The Siebel Server then accesses the Siebel File System using the File System Manager (alias FSMSrvr) component. File System Manager processes these requests through interaction with the Siebel File System directories.
How are files stored in siebel file system?
Files stored in the Siebel File System are compressed at the Siebel Server-level and appended with the extension .saf.Files stored in the Siebel File System must be compressed; that is, the compression feature of the Siebel File System cannot be disabled.
What is an orphan record. How do you clean it?
Orphan records are those that remain if a user deletes a parent record in the application that has associated child records; the child records are not deleted from the Siebel File System with the parent record and must be removed using sfscleanup.exe.sfscleanup.exe is a command-line utility to cleanup orphan records.
Siebel workflow architecture:
Siebel workflow is made up of following architectural components :
1) Siebel Tools
2) Siebel Server
3) Siebel Client
4) Siebel Database
Siebel Tools :
It is an integrated environment for configuring all aspects of Siebel Applications.
Siebel tool comprises of Workflow Process Designer. We can use process designer to build our workflow processes. Siebel Tools provides the design interface and the debugging interface of Siebel Workflow.
Siebel Server :
Siebel Server manages the siebel workflow components that automates the business policies.
Siebel Client :
It is also called as Mobile Web client. Workflow processes and workflow policies are administered using Administration which is the business process view in the Siebel client.After workflow processes are designed and debugged, they are written to repository tables for deployment from the administrative interface in the run-time client.
Siebel Database :
Workflow policies act against a set of data that are stored in a relational database. That DB is siebel database.
Give details on siebel workflow:-
Siebel workflow is an interactive software tool that helps us to automate the business processes handled by an organization.It uses as its basic model the same processes that organizations use in their sales, marketing, and service departments that determine business workflow.
Siebel workflow can be used to promote consistency and adherence to policies by automatic enforcement of policies and procedures.Siebel workflow is a GUI tool used to automate workflow processes.
Give details on siebel workflow modules:-
Siebel workflow is composed of the following modules :
1) Workflow Processes Module
2) Workflow Policies Module
Workflow Processes Module :
This module allows us to create and administer workflow processes
How to Install Siebel CRM Call Center On Demand Integration Pack?
Siebel Business Process Framework:
Oracle's Siebel Business Application is a product that can effectively execute customer-centric business processes. An application should be customizable to meet the agile changes and cropping requirements of business processes.
Siebel's workflow provides solution to meet agile changing business processes and it can be customized to comply with increasing number of regulations in business.Business Processes can be automated extensively using the Siebel's Workflow business application.The modules of Siebel Business applications that are involved in business process automation are given below :
1) Siebel Workflow
2) State Model
3) iHelp
4) Task UI
5) Business Rules
Discussion on each of these modules will be available in the forth coming posts.
Siebel CRM Call Center On Demand Integration Pack integrates the Siebel CRM Call Center On
Demand product with the following products:
1) Oracle TeleSales and TeleService
2) PeopleSoft Enterprise HelpDesk, HR HelpDesk, and Support
Our implementation uses either Oracle or PeopleSoft call center products but not both.
Oracle and CCOD Communication :
Communication between CCOD and Oracle clients is achieved using a local http server. Each client has their own server.The CCOD client sends basic screen pop information, including customer IVR input, in an XML-formatted message to the Oracle client’s local http server.
The CCOD-to-Oracle communications include delivering agent interaction information, such as inbound calls and agent transfers.Communication from the Oracle client to the CCOD client is by a post command to the CCOD local http server. The Oracle-to-CCOD communications include registering the Oracle http server with CCOD, managing the CCOD agent availability state, and making agent outbound calls.
PeopleSoft and CCOD Communication :
When a call comes in Siebel CCOD collects the data from the customer’s touch-tone phone and
formulates a URL based on the values collected.Siebel CCOD then initiates a screen pop to the URL.
This URL is set up on the Siebel CCOD side and there are parameters appended to it, which contain data specifically for the applications. PeopleSoft parses the URL and opens the appropriate component.
Software Requirements :
Siebel CRM Call Center On Demand Integration Pack requires a subscription to Siebel CRM Call Center On Demand and the following software versions:
For Oracle: Oracle eBusiness Suite V11.5.10 CU2 (Consolidated Update 2), TeleSales or TeleService
For PeopleSoft:
PeopleSoft Enterprise HelpDesk, HR HelpDesk, and Support V8.9 Siebel CRM Call Center On Demand service is available only in the English language localization.
The Siebel CRM Call Center On Demand Integration Pack supports integration with either Oracle eBusiness Suite or PeopleSoft Enterprise applications in the English language localization.
Managing Security for PeopleSoft :
Security is based on existing security for Call Center agents. If the agent is CTI-enabled, and has a valid CCOD login Id, the agent is authorized to receive screen pops.
The agents need access to the WEBLIB_RB web library. This should be added to a permission list associated to the agent, or an existing permission list with this weblib should be added to the agent's Role.
We need to grant Full Access to the GETINFO.FieldFormula.IScript_CTIdirect_COD function within that weblib
Which tool would you use to migrate custom repository and schema changes from your source database to your target database?
Database Server Configuration Utility
What is Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager EIM ?
Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager is a server component in the Siebel EAI component group that transfers data between the Siebel database and other corporate data sources
What is siebel Application Deployment Manager?
Siebel ADM aka Application Deployment Manager is a tool to deploy customizations between environments
What are uses of siebel Application Deployment Manager?
Reduced errors owing to simplified and re-usable deployment process
Lower costs as there is reduced time and effort needed to manage deployments
Unified framework offering single interface for all deployments
Supports over 70 different data types—can deploy a huge variety of changes including repository, database and file
Packager can group changes for particular fix and deploy as single action
Supports over 70 different data types that can deploy a huge variety of changes including repository, database and file
Inbuilt Backup/Restore that can preserve setting before changes are applied and restore them later
What is use of siebel Environment Verification Tool EVT?
The Environment Verification Tool the EVT tool is a tool intended to help system administrators verify the configuration of the Siebel CRM environment
System administrators can use the EVT utility to identify errors and potential problems in the Siebel Enterprise after installation in a development or test environment, or following rollout or upgrades
EVT is used to verify Siebel Business Applications environment
Which clients obtain initialization settings from both the configuration file and Application Object Manager component parameters?
Web Client, Wireless Web Client
Does Siebel Mobile Web Client obtain initialization settings from both the configuration file and Application Object Manager component parameters?
Does Siebel Dedicated Web Client obtain initialization settings from both the configuration file and Application Object Manager component parameters?
Does Siebel Handheld Client obtain initialization settings from both the configuration file and Application Object Manager component parameters?
Is View access and data access are completely dependent of one another?
Does User ID, position, and responsibility control access to data in siebel views?
Do siebel View access for a responsibility in one organization will be different in another organization?
No they dont
In siebel do Users with the same responsibility have the same view and data access?
Nope. View access and data access are completely independent of one another
Which siebel authentication method allows for self-registration by Web users?
Directory server authentication
Soes siebel Windows authentication allow for self-registration by Web users?
Soes Database authentication method in siebel allow for self-registration by Web users?
Nope. It is achieved using Directory server authentication method
Is siebel Web Single Sign On authentication method used to allow for self-registration by web servers?
Nope. Make use of directory server authentication for this purpose